Chapter 44

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Oooooohh! How do you guys think Shane will react? What's he gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Carly
*Present Day*
"What?" Shane said and I looked down at the floor. Was he mad? Upset? "I think I'm pregnant." I said again and his mouth opened. "Wha... how?" Shane said in shock. "Well I'm not gonna explain that to you." I said and he smiled. "No, I mean, how do you know?" He said and I shook my head. "Well, I've been puking my guts up, I'm moody more than I'm not, and I'm late." I said and he looked down at the dirt. "And the last time we.... we didn't have a...." Shane started but didn't finish. I waited for him to react and he just kept looking at the dirt. "Shane?" I asked and his head shot up. His eyes bore into mine and his were glassy. "Your gonna have a baby? My baby?" He said with a smirk and I smiled. "Yeah." I said and he laughed. A tear escaped his eye and he put his hand on my stomach. "I'm gonna be a daddy." He said and I laughed. He kneeled down so his face was next to my stomach and he kissed it lightly. "I'm gonna be your daddy." He said softly and before I knew it, a tear had escaped my eye.

I guess people started to worry because I heard footsteps in the distance. Shane stood up just in time to see Glenn making his way towards us. Glenn looked at me and then Shane and raised his eyebrows. "If you guys wanted to do something stupid, you should have at least given me a heads up you would take so long." He said and Shane looked at me confused. I busted out laughing and Shane caught on. "Oh, shit, no We weren't, we wouldn't, I mean we were just...." Shane and I both tried to explain. Glenn cut us off. "Yeah, yeah, can you guys just come back so everyone stops worrying?" He said and I smiled. "Yeah, lead the way." I said and Glenn turned and led us back.

When we got back, we got a smirk or a snicker from everyone except Carol. I could tell she was pissed. I mean, why wouldn't she be? She thinks Shane and I were screwing around in the woods while her daughter is no where to be found in those woods. I walked towards her and she turned slightly. "Carol, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked and I heard her sigh. "Why? So you can waste more time" She said and I was taken back. Damn, I did not expect that from her. "Carol, we had a misunderstanding. When Shane and I were in the woods, we were... We didn't do anything. I had to talk to him privately and that was the only time I could think of. I would never, ever, think of doing something like that right now. My mind is set on two things, the most important one being your daughter." I said and she looked down at the dirt. "What's the other thing?" She asked quietly and I glanced at the group. "Umm, actually Carol, that's really personal. I'm not too keen on talking about it until I'm confident in it. Is that okay?" I asked and she nodded quickly. I smiled and pulled her into a hug, only to feel a few tears fall and dampen my shirt.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Hey, wipe those tears away. We are gonna find your girl and she is gonna be healthy and happy to be back in her moma's arms." I said and she smiled. I smiled and let go of her. She walked into the RV and I decided that I would go back and find that bow. I started walking and I had forgotten where it was. I ended up climbing to one of the cars and searching. I saw the blue car the bow was in and quickly climbed down. I started walking in the general direction and I started thinking. What are cute baby names? What kind of names would Shane want? I'm not too sure what names I like. Maybe... Ugh I don't know. I wonder what the gender is gonna be. Am I gonna have a son? Or a little baby girl? Either way, I have a feeling even with the world like this, Shane will find some way to spoil the shit out of him or her. I chuckled at my thoughts and found the car I was looking for. I opened the car door and my smile faded fast. Where the hell is my bow! I quickly checked the back of the car and in the trunk but the arrow was gone too.

My mind started racing. What the hell? What if someone stole it. Wait, the group would have seen it. A walker wouldn't have taken it so why the hell isn't it here. I looked around at the cars near me but I still couldn't find it. "You looking for that fancy bow?" I heard behind me and I caught my breathe in fear. I turned and saw Shane and put a hand on my chest. "Jesus, way to scare the hell out of me." I said and he chuckled. He pulled me into a hug and I smiled. His hand traveled to my stomach and I sighed. "You shouldn't be out here all alone especially with that herd not far away." He said in a whisper and I snickered. "I'm not helpless Shane. It's okay." I said and he sighed. I know he wants to protect me but I'm not 10, I'm 34 years old. "Now, about that bow?" I asked and he smiled again. "It's back in the RV. I found it when I was searching around and thought about how you always wanted to learn how to shoot one. I'm guessing you already had your eyes on it." He said and I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and took my hand. He led me back to the RV and I saw Dale smile down at us from on top of it. I smiled in return and Shane pulled me inside. I saw the bow and the arrow on the table and I pushed past Shane lightly. I sat at the table and made sure the bow was still fully functional. The string was good and strong and the arrow was about normal sized, about the same size as the bolts from Daryl's crossbow. I could use his if he had more but I'll still have to make some. I smiled and grabbed the arrow. I walked outside to the forest edge and looked for a few good branches I could carve into arrows.

I was searching for branches for a while and I had about 6 when I heard a rustling. The sun was setting and I pulled my knife from its holster. I held it next to me and went to investigate and I heard Andrea and Dale arguing. I sure as hell hope it's the guys coming back. I'm really worried about them and it's getting dark. I stalked closer and closer until I saw a peek of a crossbow and I relaxed slightly. I saw my brother and pulled him into a hug. He smiled sadly and pulled back. I looked up at Carol and she was on the verge of tears. Well, who wouldn't? "You didn't find her?" She asked. "Her trail went cold. We'll pick it up again at first light." Rick said and I glanced down.
Daryl was next to me and I glanced up at him and smiled sadly. "You can't leave my daughter out there on her own to spend the night alone in the woods." Carol tried to reason. "Out in the darks no good. We'd just be tripping over ourselves. More people get lost." Daryl explained to her. "But she's 12. She can't be out there on her own. You didn't find anything?" Carol said. I moved closer towards her and pulled her towards myself. "I know this is hard but I'm asking you not to panic. We know she was out there." Rick said. "And we tracked her for a while." Daryl added on. "We have to make this an organized effort. Daryl knows the woods better than anybody. I've asked him to oversee this." Rick said and I rolled my eyes, we were tied for forest knowledge. Carol looked panicked and I glanced down at Daryl's pants. "Is that blood?" Carol asked and I rubbed her back. "We took down a walker." Rick said and Carol started to panic. "There was no sign it was ever anywhere near Sophia." Rick reassured her. "How do you know that?" I asked and Rick looked up at me and back to Daryl. "We cut the son of a bitch open, made sure." Daryl said and Carol sat down on the guardrail. I sat next to her and rubbed her shoulders. "How could you just leave her out there to begin with? How could you just leave her?" Carol said as she started to get worked up. "Those two walkers were on us. I had to draw them off. It was her best chance." Rick said and I nodded. "Carol, he didn't have a choice. Anyone of us would have done the same thing." I said to her. "How is she supposed to find her way back on her own. She's just a... She's just a child." Carol said and Rick started to kneel down. "It was my only option. The only choice I could make." Rick continued. "I'm sure no one doubts that." Shane said. "My little girl got left in the woods." Carol said as she broke down. Rick stood up and walked away and I could tell he felt horrible. I stood up and glanced at Shane. His eyes went to my stomach and I sighed and followed Rick.

"Rick." I called softly. "Rick!" I said again to no answer. I saw part of his boot and I knew he was on the ground. I saw him leaning back against a car on the ground and I sat down next to him. "Rick. You had no choice. Do not blame yourself for this. It's no ones fault. I would have done the same thing if I found her first." I said and Rick looked over at me. His blue eyes watered over and his head landed in the crook of my neck. He started crying and I held him close. I rubbed his back and tried to reassure him but I knew he wouldn't feel any better until we found this girl. "Rick. Listen. Go get a good nights sleep. The only way to get rid of the guilt you are feeling is to find Sophia. Sleep. We will wake up extra early and find her." I said and he nodded. I kissed his forehead and stood up. "Go on. I'll be up in a few minutes." Rick said and I sighed and nodded. I walked back and saw everyone was already back sleeping. I decided that I would keep watch. I'm not that tired anyway. I grabbed the sticks that I had dropped and started carving them.

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