... u lodha duke menduar, ndonjehere dua thjesht te shkoj per te fjetur qe te harroj gjithcka... sepse shume mendime me bejne te ndihem paranojake dhe mund te me tregoje nje ane te ftohte qe se kam shfaqur asnjehere. Nese ndodh kjo gje, mos me ler, thjesht po arrij te kuptoj se cfare dreqi jam. Po arrij te perceptoj se vuaj shume, nuk shprehem, nuk flas, jam e mpire... mendoj shume... ose thjesht i shpreh te gjitha dhe perfundoj vetem, ose shoh fytyrat e cuditur te te tjereve qe habiten, ose shoh veten ne nje numer te zvogeluar te miqve. ah... po, nuk me kuptojne, ose thjesht nuk duan te merren me mua. Eshte zgjedhja e tyre gjithsesi...
... I'm tired of thinking, sometimes I just want to sleep so as to forget everything... Because my own thoughts make me paranoid and force me to show a cold side unknown to anyone. If that happens, don't leave me, I'm just realizing what a crap I am. I'm realizing that I suffer a lot, I lack expressions, I don't talk, I'm numb... I think too much... Or I express everything and I end up alone, or I look at others' confused face, or at the shrinking of my circle of friends. Ah... Yea, they don't understand me, or they just dont want to deal with me. It's their choice after all...
DiversosJust clouded thoughts. Ato mendime qe nuk kane ikur nga mendja juaj dhe doni t'i shprehni diku. Requests: OPEN and FREE. Status: Anonymous