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Hengri pak dhe doli per te pritur autobusin. Hipi dhe rrinte ne kembe duke menduar per dashurine e saj qe ne ate ore eshte ne gjume. Daydreaming she thinks about him walking with her.
Intertwined fingers.
Feeling warm and so in love.
Then a couple got on a bus. Probably students. They were close to her but she hates it when she sees other couples. She only loves one couple, her and her boyfriend. She didn't mind them. But when she got out... She started crying ❤
She regrets not holding that hand long enough... She regrets not finding a way so that she could go out with him more... She regrets that her mind isn't that conservative like it was. But she realized... Two months...She was strong.
He was sleeping but also staying strong.
She tries to tell herself: Hey, he left yesterday so why sad? He will come tomorrow! ❤.
She lies to herself as the only way to smooth that strong yearning she has for her lover. Her lifetime lover ❤❤❤❤. In the end, wiping tears she smiled happily. Being proud of her being loved by such s treasure like him. And still planning to be by her side forever.
That way, she was in front of the university, starting a new day. ❤---------------------------
Askush qe nuk e ka provuar nuk do ta kuptoje kurre dhimbjen e nje lidhjeje ne distance. Je gjithmone ne ankth dhe ne merak se si personi larg teje eshte... a eshte mire? A ka ndonje shqetesim qe nuk ma thote?
Faleminderit per mesazhin e dhene. Pershendetje te gjitheve, im back! Shpresoj te me sillni sa me shume nga mendimet tuaja dhe ti shpendaj ketu ne kete liber kaq te vecante per mua!
De TodoJust clouded thoughts. Ato mendime qe nuk kane ikur nga mendja juaj dhe doni t'i shprehni diku. Requests: OPEN and FREE. Status: Anonymous