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(Y/N) = Your Name
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour

POWERS: to be discovered
WARNINGS: language
Set after Captain America: Civil War
[A/N: Imagine that Bucky is no longer a threat after The Winter Soldier and worked with the Avengers. The events of Civil War ended before Tony found out about his father and mother's death]

"Nick, why is it so important that we catch this girl?" Steve asked. The Avengers, minus Thor, were sat in an office in SHIELD headquarters, each of them passing around a blurry photo of a teenage girl. In the photo, her (H/C) hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, odd strands framing her face. The photo was clearly quickly taken, her (E/C) eyes looking wide and innocent.

"Yeah, she's a kid." Bruce spoke up, studying the picture. She looked like she couldn't have done anything wrong her entire life - but then again, looks could be deceiving.

"She may look like a kid, but she's been alive for nearly fifty years." Fury answered.

Natasha frowned, "How's that possible?"

Nick looked across the table at the soldier, "She was part of HYDRA."

Bucky looked up at the mention of his former home, his heart stopping for a moment like it did every time. He focused on the image of the girl, gritting his teeth slightly. Tony spoke up, "What do you mean she was part of HYDRA?"

"She was experimented on, trained, and everything else that Barnes was." Fury told them, "She was part of the Secret Asset Organisation, something that not many people know about. These soldiers are chosen from a select few children."

"Why children?" Steve asked, appalled by this new information.

Natasha swallowed, "They're easier to tame."


The redhead looked to the scientist and nodded, "Children don't know about the harsh reality. This make them vulnerable, helpless, weak.  It makes everything else easier." she mumbled.

"And how do you know this?" Tony asked, looking through the information revolving around the teenager.

Bucky picked at his metal fingers and looked up at the team slightly, "She used to train them."

Natasha placed the folder down and removed herself from the room in a hurry. The rest remained in silent for a moment before Steve spoke up again, "What do you want with this kid, Director?"

"She's recently escaped HYDRA, and although she hasn't done anything wrong, HYDRA will still come back for her. We need to find her before they do. She's still dangerous and we don't know whether she will loose control of the soldier inside her."

Clint frowned, "Loose control?"

"He means the Winter Soldier side." Bucky answered, "Every 'Project' had a code that would turn them into the Winter Soldier but because children are vulnerable, they grown up unable to control this side of them - they make the innocent victims. These are known as the Artic Soldiers."

"Exactly." Fury nodded, "HYDRA is already prepared to catch her - and when they do they aren't going to let her live."

"You seem to know a lot about this kid, Barnes." Clint spoke, looking at the ex-HYDRA assassin.

Bucky swallowed and nodded, looking down at the picture before whispering, "I knew her."

"Know any place we can find this kid?" Tony asked, lifting the image.

Nick looked at him pointedly, "Why do you think you're here Stark?"


"Now, Miss (L/N). I need you to calm down. At this rate, you'll lose yourself before the serum begins it's journey."

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