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(Y/N) = Your Name
(M/N) = Mother's Name
(L/N) = Last Name

WARNINGS: language, violence
POWERS: to be discovered
Set after Captain America: Civil War

The soldier watched as the young girl was torn from her mother's grip and held in his leader's hands. His face remained stoic, the Winter Soldier completely taken over him, but somewhere deep inside he knew what he was doing wrong.

HYDRA would've never let these people get away with what her parent's did.

They were brave - he'd give them that. But they were also stupid. Anyone who defied HYDRA would never be able to escape from their wrath. HYDRA took whatever they wanted - these people were nothing more than the ground they walked on to them.

The children HYDRA took were young. The soldier had never been assigned a mission like this before, but the child must've been of some importance if he was needed. Her father had put up quite a fight - he had to beat him to death.

'No witnesses.' They had said, 'No resistance. If her guardians prevent her from being taken - kill them.'

It wasn't a quick fight. The soldier was surprised at how well her father fought, but it still ended with him superior. The father's body was now limp on the floor for the mother to weep to. But it shouldn't be a surprise - they had this coming all along.

Through the child's screaming, the agents had lifted up her mother's weak body. She looked way past physically drained, and the soldier could see in her eyes that she was fearing for her daughter's life. No parent would want their child to go through what HYDRA was going to put this child through - even more so because of her parents.

"солдат. [Soldier]"

He swallowed when he noticed the look from the man holding the crying child and nodded. The woman cast him a glance as he walked towards her, already knowing her fate. But her glassy eyes stared up at him, not looking away.

His hand held on to either side of her head, readying his position. The soldier tensed when he felt a message transmit into his brain, 'защищать ее [Protect her].'

"закончить ее, солдат. [Finish her, soldier.]" the male spoke, gritting his teeth as the young girl struggled more in his grasp.

The woman's eyes met his one last time before closing them just as he snapped her neck. He heard another scream from the child as she was dropped to her knees. But the soldier stared down at another life he took as she laid limp on the ground.

"Пойдем! [Lets go]." an agent shouted, "схватить ее, солдат. [Grab her, soldier]."

As the three HYDRA agents left, the soldier knelt down to the child. She crawled back slightly, fear in her tearful eyes as she looked at him. The Winter Soldier seemed to disappear, his humanity coming back to him - even so, he had to remain in the same state of mind.

'защищать ее.'

The soldier gently took her in his grasp, whispering, "Прости. [I'm sorry]." The young girl was still shaking in his grasp, but his voice was gentle compared to the other men - it made her trust him, "Я обещаю, что защищу тебя. [I promise, I'll protect you]."

"Hey, Stark. Have you got anything on where May Parker could be?" Natasha asked, walking into the lab.

The billionaire jumped awake, wincing as a small pain ran through his back from leaning over all night. He groaned lightly, rubbing his eyes, "No." he sighed, "FRIDAY still can't hack past their firewall - but she's close."

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