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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

POWERS: to be discovered
WARNINGS: language
Set after Captain America: Civil War
[A/N: there's a little Natasha x Bucky in this part, but they may be way out of character, so sorry!]

"I'm off to school, May!" Peter called to his aunt.

"Okay, have a good day! Be careful, Peter." She warned.

The young hero grinned, "I always am!" He turned to the female who was sat on the windowsill, staring out into the streets, "(Y/N)?"

"Huh?" She jumped slightly and noticed him standing there, "Oh-uh, bye, Peter!" she smiled weakly before turning back to the houses.

Peter frowned before sighing. He could see it in her eyes that she wanted to go outside. It had been four weeks since she'd begun staying here, and they've grown much closer, but he knew that there was nothing more she wanted than to go outside. Bucky had told May not to let her out, but surely a swing around at night wouldn't hurt, right?

"Hey. Later tonight, I-I'll take for a swing, yeah?"

(Y/N) eyes lit up when he turned to face him, "R-Really?" Peter nodded and his face flushed darkly when she wrapped her arms around him, "Thank you!" she whispered into his neck.

"You're welcome - now I really need to go." he chuckled before running out the door to school.

(Y/N) decided that she should help May out today. Wednesday's was her day off and usually her cleaning day. She was living here, the least she could do was make herself useful.

There was no way that (Y/N) could thank the two of them for letting her stay. SHIELD and HYDRA both scared her, because to (Y/N) they were both the same. There was no extreme difference that made her trust either of them. And that Nick Fury - she didn't trust him either. He liked to have the best on his team, and she would be his next victim.

She hated that Bucky had no choice in the matter. May had told her once before that if he didn't agree with HYDRA, he would be frozen again - maybe that time it would've been forever. (Y/N) wished that she could've been there for the soldier like he is for her.

Or was.

(Y/N) hadn't seen Bucky since he left her here. She knew he probably stayed away to keep her safer, but she wanted to see him. They had lost each other for years before, and now that's what it seemed like was happening again. And she didn't want that.


"There!" May grinned, folding that last of the clothing and placing it in a pile, "That's everything done for today!" It was mid afternoon, Peter would be home soon.

(Y/N) smiled to her. But there was still one thing that she wanted to know. Though she thought she already knew, "May?"

"Hm?" The older woman hummed in response, wiping the side over one last time.

"Why hasn't Bucky come back?"

May slowed in her movements before dropping the cloth in the skin and turning to her. The woman knew that Bucky meant a lot to (Y/N), just as (Y/N) meant a lot to him. May knew why Bucky kept her here.

"It's to keep you safe, (Y/N)." May told her, "Would you like a drink?"

"May, why hasn't he come to see me?" (Y/N) asked, both anger and sadness seeming to link in her voice.

The woman fiddled with her fingers, back facing the girl, "Tea or coffee?"

"May, please." (Y/N) whispered, "I've been lied to my whole life. I don't want you to lie to me as well."

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