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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour

POWERS: sense of powerful beings close by, energy manipulation
WARNINGS: language, violence... vengeance...
Set after Captain America: Civil War


Horror washed over the female, the Arctic Soldier inside kick starting her body again. It ran towards Strucker, grabbing his neck and slamming him into the wall. He stared in fear at the bright cyan eyes that stared back at him, anger written in them.

It was at this moment that Captain America ran in and didn't give a second thought before throwing himself into the fight - literally. He slamming into the closest Arctic Soldier, crushing his body into the cell.

(Y/N) threw Strucker to the ground, trying to get to Peter who's screams were scaring her more than anything. He tried to be strong, tried to hold back the pain, but the machine pressed into his head, sucking away his memories. He gritted his teeth, tasting the salty flavor of his tears on his tongue as they spilled from his eyes.

A larger Arctic Soldier ran into (Y/N), orange eyes rivalling her cyan ones. (Y/N)'s glare hardened as he slammed her back into the wall, punching her straight in the stomach. She growled angrily, feeling energy run through her body and through her arms. She clenched her fingers around his head, shouting as she burned that energy through his skull, a strange pleasure running through her as she listened to his scream of pain.

A sadistic smile appeared on her lips and she stared at her hands, watching the cyan trails leave them. She ran through the Arctic Soldiers and straight towards Peter, determination written in her movements.

Rumlow groaned as he finally eliminated the soldier, grunting at the deep wound on his side. He watched as (Y/N) struggled to remove the machine from the teenager's body, his screams still penetrating the air. The two super soldiers were busy being cornered, fighting till their last bit of energy was used up.

Gritting his teeth, he reached back for his gun before aiming a shaky arm. One bullet, one shot. He breathed heavily, gripping his wrist with his other hand to steady the shake before firing. The bullet tore through through the battle, barely missing (Y/N)'s head and wedged itself straight into the top of the machine. (Y/N) flinched, her glowing eyes looking back to Rumlow who nodded before taking his final breath.

(Y/N) knew what she had to do in that one moment and tore the restraints from the young hero. His body was weak and limp in the chair, screams still leaving him - no matter her power, she couldn't remove the device taking every memory he had from him. This was a risk - one chance.

She mustered up all the energy she could contain, feeling it ready to burst inside her. The Arctic Soldier within her seemed to work with her, not against and this time, it was Strucker who was shocked.

"W-What are you doing?" he yelled over the fighting, watching as her clenched fists ignited with a steaming cyan, "If you do that, you'll kill him!"

(Y/N)'s eyes filled with tears, the muzzle preventing her from speaking the words she so desperately wanted to. Peter's pain-filled brown eyes looked up her and smiled weakly. He knew she had no choice.

With one last sadden look to him, she thrust her hands towards the device. Bucky looked up just as she did so, "NO, (Y/N)!"

A large wave of energy spread out from the machine, but (Y/N) was able to conceal it around her. She yelled painfully, feeling the serum in the machine sink into her body, pushing past her limitations. She turned her yell into a growl, gritting her teeth under than muzzle as her body not only grew stronger, but also weakened with the amount of energy she was giving away.

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