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(Y/N) = Your Name

POWERS: to be discovered
WARNINGS: language, violence
Set after Captain America: Civil War

When (Y/N) woke, she was half excepted to be in a dark cell, like where she used to be, kept away from the outside world and in a place that no one would have to courage to visit. Instead, she was in a glass prison. It wasn't bright like in SHIELD, however it was dimly lit from the outside room.

The outside was what she expected to be in. There was no windows and all the walls were brick. The only entrance and exit was through one single, steal door that was probably blotted shut - now that was familiar. Inside the room was blank apart from the one corner opposite her that was bordered up - probably from when the last prisoner escaped.

She expected to be in chains; maybe a few locks on her wrists and ankles. Or maybe they would've even wiped her memory. She shivered at that thought, shaking it away. But then she swallowed.

If HYDRA knew that she remembered her past, they wouldn't hesitate to wipe her mind. She would be a blank slate again and she wouldn't remember Peter, Bucky or May. HYDRA kept her memory for a reason.

"Ah, she's woken up. Hello, Sleeping Beauty."

(Y/N) tensed and turned to look at the men walking into the room. She remained emotionless, knowing that they would pry for any kind of reaction from her. She let her emotions go while she was a runaway, but now it was time to conceal them from the world again - and she doubted they would ever come back.

Strucker grinned at her. (Y/N) couldn't say he was intimidating, for he wasn't the one that had done this to her, but he was still part of HYDRA. She looked behind him, noticing a few familiar faces from the Arctic Soldier squad and... Brock Rumlow.

"Looking a little burnt, Brock." (Y/N) sneered, a dark grin on her face, a sign that the Arctic Soldier was trying to break free within her.

"Listen here, you little-"

"Ah, there will be no need for that." Strucker raised his hand, "She is causing her own pain."

(Y/N) ignored the rest of their conversation, looking around the cell. There had to be a way out of here. She needed to find Peter and May and get them out of here. Who knew what HYDRA had done to them?

"Hey, kid!" Brock snapped, stepping closer to the glass.

(Y/N) stared back at him, clenching her fists, "What?"

Strucker sighed and rolled his eyes, "We aren't getting anywhere like this." He turned to one of his men and nodded, "Show her."

The boards in the corner across from her lifted and everything she wanted to say died on the tip of her tongue. Across the room, was Peter. Peter wrapped in bounds on a chair. The same chair that stole her memories from her.

Strucker grinned as she stared at the brunet, the entire facade on her face dropping and horror washed over. (Y/N)'s hands pressed against the glass as she looked at him, watching as his eyes barely opened and gritted her teeth.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" she snapped, angrily looking over at the two men in front of her.

"Nothing is wrong with me." Strucker gave a menacing grin, "It's your fault he's in this mess."

"Let him go! And May!" (Y/N) shouted, landing a fist on the glass, "They haven't done anything to deserve this!"

"Like I said, it's your fault. You decided to run from HYDRA, and you decided to get close to them - did we not teach you anything?" Strucker asked.

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