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(Y/N) = Your Name
(H/C) = Hair Colour

POWERS: to be discovered
WARNINGS: language
Set after Captain America: Civil War
[A/N: Imagine that Bucky is no longer a threat after The Winter Soldier and worked with the Avengers. The events of Civil War ended before Tony found out about his father and mother's death]

"Who gave the order to shoot!" Bucky snarled, storming into the director's office. Captain America wasn't far behind, trailing after his best friend to stop him from doing something drastic.

"That shot was simply as siesta dart." Fury responded, "Completely harmless to the victim. It just made everything easier."

"Everything was going fine!" Bucky yelled, clenching his fists, "Do you know what you've just done to her?"

"We sedated her."

"No, you've proved exactly what she was saying. SHIELD is no different to HYDRA." the soldier gritted his teeth.

"This is hardly SHIELD right now." Fury spoke, "We've started over, we are clean of HYDRA."

Bucky snorted, "And I don't come under that title?"

"Buck." Steve mumbled, sending a small frown to his friend.

The director leaned back in his chair, "You've said yourself you are no longer HYDRA. If you go against us, I assure you, it'll be the last thing you do."

"And if I'm reverted back to the Winter Soldier again?"

Fury didn't respond and that lead Bucky's whole figure slumping in shock. He clenched his fists again and his lips rolled into his mouth as he nodded. He scoffed, "I knew it."

Steve swallowed and watched as his friend's strong demeanor broke slightly but it was quickly washed away. Nick looked at the soldier, head tilted up slightly, "Know what?"

"You still don't trust me." Bucky answered, "I should've known that much."

"I do trust you, Barnes, but you're still the one who has killed countless SHIELD agents." Nick told him, "I'm not the one who doesn't trust you."

"Then what do you want with (Y/N)?" Bucky asked.

"I want to protect her from HYDRA." Nick responded.

"And that's it?" Fury nodded and Bucky chuckled, "That's not true, is it?"

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"(Y/N) is like another version of Steve and myself. She is strengthened, powerful - you just can't help yourself." Bucky hissed, "You'll try to make her a SHIELD agent and she doesn't want that. And if she disagrees with you, you'll hurt her."

"You honestly think I would hurt a young teenager?" Fury asked, face emotionless.

Bucky face remained blank, "Yes."

Fury chuckled, "And you accuse me of not trusting you."

Before any of them could say another word, Natasha ran through the door. The two soldier turned to face her, but the agents eyes were focused on one person, "Barnes, she needs you."


"NO! Leave me alone! Don't touch me!" a young girl screamed, trying to grip the smooth wall, hoping it would somehow give her some support.

"Hey, now. Calm down. We aren't going to hurt you."

Multiple doctors were walking towards her, each hiding something behind their back. They thought that she didn't know, but (Y/N) was very observant. She wasn't stupid. With all of them coming towards her, it only reminded her of HYDRA.

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