Chapter 37 - Yes, I Love Him!

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I wake and slowly groan as the morning sunlight blinds me through my eyelids. I push the doona off me and step off the bed. I walk towards the door but stub my toe on the corner of something.

"Ow fucking hell, since when did I move-" I stop mid sentence as I remember that I'm not in my room. 

"You are an idiot, you know that right?" David laughs from the bed. 

"Shut up, I thought it was my room" I reply giggling lightly. I look over my shoulder at him laying his cloud of a bed. Strands of messy black hair poke out from the edge of his hoodie which is on his head. His eyebrows are furrowed as he focuses on whatever is on his phone. His lips are parted and slightly swollen from our crying session last night. He catches me gawking.

"You know if you don't blink soon, your eyes can dry up bad" he says trying to keep a poker face. 

I give him the finger and poke my tongue out at him and walk out of his room. I walk into the kitchen and see my phone on charge on the bench. I pick it up and see a few notifications. 

3 missed calls from Logey <3

2 messages from Weed Boy

1 message from Bunny Boy

I click on the messages from Dom (Weed Boy).

yo anna

just letting you know that your mental boyfriend is pounding on our front door

I could feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head. Logan was at the apartment block? Knocking on David's apartment door? What the hell is going on? I Immediately dial Dom's number and wait for him to pick up. 

Phone call with Dom:

D- YO! Calm down, I have her on the phone now.

A- Dom what the hell is going on??

I could hear shouting in the background

D- Well your dick of a boyfriend has been here for about ten minutes arguing with Alex, who is about to knock him out. And he said that he won't leave until you get here. 

A- Oh my god. Well I'll try and get there as soon as I can, tell Alex to contain himself until I get there. 

D- Where are you anyway?

A- I'm at David's house. I'm leaving in 5, be there soon

D- Okay, hurry

End of phone call with Dom.

I rip my phone off the charging cord and run back into David's room gathering my things. 

"Woah, woah, woah. What's the rush?" David asks, sitting up in bed. 

"Um well my lunatic boyfriend is at your apartment, arguing with Alex and he won't leave until I get there" I explain quickly, picking up my bag and rushing out the door. 

"Okay quick come on let's go" he says getting out of bed, grabbing his phone, camera and keys all in one. 

"Ah David, I don't think that is such a good idea" I say, not wanting him and Logan to get into a fight again. 

"Anna, he is at my apartment, arguing with my friends" he says as we jog down the driveway to our cars. 

"I'll meet you there" he says as he steps in the Tesla. 

I quickly hop into Mia and sped out of the driveway, pumping Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. 


David and I are walking down the hallways on our apartments level, rushing to stop anything that could be about to happen. I can see that David is a bit more determined than I am and that only makes me worry more. We had avoided what I said last night before I fell asleep but we both know that it happened. I don't understand how one boy can become to mean so much to me in just several weeks. We turn down our hallway and I can see Logan raising his hands and shouting into David's apartment. I immediately run up to them and stand right in front of Logan.

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