Chapter eight-more training

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Lucy woke the next morning slightly confused. She looked around noticing this wasn't her bed nor her room. The bed was a beautiful queen size with pink sheets and a pink and white comforter. The room was spacious but barren. She wondered were jellal could be, so she got out of bed and left the room.

She could smell the wonderful smell of bacon and eggs. She followed the scent outside to find jellal cooking over a small fire. He was humming to himself, something Lucy would never have imagined.

She crept up behind him and placed her hands over his eyes. "Guess who!" She giggled. "Hmmm." He said, placing his finger to his chin in thought. "A devil?" He asked turning around to find Lucy with a small pout. "Sorry, just last time I was here that's what it was." He said, remembering that fateful day he thought he met zeref.

"Well, that was then and this is now. And I am not a devil!" Lucy clarified. Jellal smiled at her confidence. "Ok ok you win. Your not a devil." He said. "But your as mean as one." He laughed, dodging out of the way from Lucy's swipe. "Oh I'll show you devil." She said, as she began to chase him around the yard.

Breathlessly they returned to their breakfast laughing and smiling. They ate quickly to get back to training.

At fairy tail.

Happy,Carla,Wendy, Levi and gajeel all sat together in the guild. Levi was reading a book about the tower of heaven, also known as the "r" or resurrection system. So far she hadn't found anything she didn't already know. It was a system to bring someone back from the dead, an evil dark magic that was forbidden.

Happy was still sad about Lucy leaving so Carla was trying to cheer him up. Wendy sat quietly waiting for Levi to find something. Gajeel was pretending to be asleep, but he was actually enjoying the sweet smell of Levi's perfume and the gentle hum she made while reading.

"But master, we have to save her. He could be holding her against her will!" A loud voice could be heard from the stairs. Everyone turned to see Erza and master coming down the stairs. Erza had been trying to convince master to let her and a small team go rescue Lucy.

"I'm going to tell you this for the final time and then you drop it." Master said with authority. "Lucy left on her own free will. What she does outside of this guild is none of our business." He said.

"What's wrong with Lucy?" Lisanna asked concerned, Natsu stood behind her without a care in the world. Master looked to lisanna as if contemplating to tell the truth.

"When Lucy left for her training, and natsu rudely spoke out about her, happy flew after her. He found her on the tower of heaven island...with jellal." He finished. Lisanna looked shocked. Natsu however, became furious.

"What?!" He hollered, gathering everyone's attention. "What do you mean she's with jellal?" He asked. "How could she betray us like this?" He continued.

"If anyone betrayed anyone it was you betraying Lucy." Wendy said furiously, her cheeks puffed out in anger. "She did nothing but love you, and you were mean to her and made her leave the guild." Wendy said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"She....left because of me?" Natsu said slowly, sinking in the realization. "But, she said she wasn't leaving because of me." He said, remembering Lucy's words as she left.

"She might have told you that, but it was a lie." Gajeel said, slightly scaring Levi who thought he was asleep. "Like Wendy said, she did nothing but love you; and you shut her down in the rudest way. She didn't leave because of what you said, she left to prove you wrong. When bunny girl gets back, she'll be stronger than both of us." Gajeel concluded nodding his head.

Natsu couldn't believe this, he just couldn't believe that he acted so rudely towards Lucy. They were best friends, since the day they met. But, lisanna came back and that's all he could think about.

"I'm going to get her! I'm gonna bring Lucy back!" He exclaimed, both hands balled into fists in determination. Lisanna placed her hand on his shoulder, but quickly pulled it back at the extreme heat natsu was putting off.

"Natsu, we have to do what Master says." Lisanna reminded him. They both turned to look at master who was still standing on stage with Erza.

"Lucy left of her own accord. Leave her be." He said in finalization. Natsu hung his head in disappoint. He couldn't let it end like this, he had to tell Lucy he was sorry; that she wasn't weak and in the way.

"Fine, have it your way. I'm going home." Natsu said ,as he turned to leave without even saying goodbye to lisanna. Lisanna poured slightly, natsu always told her were he was going. She looked up in hope as happy followed natsu out the door.

"So, you going to find her?" Happy asked, already knowing the answer. "Well yeah!" Natsu said, all fired up. "She's my best friend, I can't just leave her." He said, more to himself than happy. "Glad you finally realized it dummy." Happy said with a smile. Natsu glared at him.

"Look." Happy began. "Lucy's your best friend, but she loves you as more than a friend. Even if you don't like her the same way, you should at least tell her. Tell her you like her as a friend, but you like lisanna as more than a friend." Happy guided.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Natsu said in defeat, as they headed to their cabin in the woods. "Maybe we should just wait for her to return. She didn't leave us forever you know." Happy said, remembering masters stern orders to leave Lucy alone.

"But it's been to long already!" Natsu snapped.
"Natsu, it's only been two days." Happy said shaking his head.

Back with Lucy.

Lucy and jellal trained relentlessly the rest of the day. By nightfall, Lucy could summon three celestial spirits and still fight. She was very proud of herself for her accomplishment.

"Open gate of the maiden, Virgo. Open gate of the lion, Leo. Open gate of the raging bull, Taurus!" Lucy  recited, as her three friends materialized before her.

"Punishment time?" Virgo asked. "Mrs Lucy your booobs look better than ever." Taurus said. "How can I help you mrs Lucy?" Leo said.

"Hey guys!" Lucy squealed, hugging each of them in turn. "Don't worry, I'm just training." She told them.

"You've become stronger." Jellal said, causing the three spirits to get in battle ready stance. "It's ok, guys." Lucy assured. "He's with me now." She smiled.

"Your with....jellal?" They asked, confused. Last time they saw jellal he was the bad guy, trying to kill them. "It's fine, he's on my side now." Lucy assured again. The three looked unconvinced but did as Lucy said.

"How about we quit for the night." Jellal said exhaustedly. He had been training just as hard as Lucy, however he didn't feel stronger. "Yeah, ok." Lucy said, sending her spirits back.

They walked to the tower quietly. "Goodnight, Lucy." Jellal said, stopping outside her room. "Goodnight, jellal." Lucy said with a small blush. She closed the door behind her and quickly got into bed, instantly falling asleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

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