Chapter twenty-seven- preping erzas freedom

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"Natsu!" Sylvia whined, as her flames once again did nothing to the dragon slayer. He chuckled at hearing her whine, knowing she was playing. "How can I see how powerful my fire magic is if it doesn't affect you?" She asked, puffing her cheeks out in anger. "Well, well just find someone who doesn't use fire magic; like pop sickle pants here." Natsu said, jabbing his thumb in grays direction as he passed.

Gray smirked as he looked at his rival. "If your flames can't hurt me hers can't." He said confidently. "What's the matter Gray, you scared?" Natsu asked with a smirk. "Not on your life." Gray retorted back, as he threw his shirt to the ground. "Show me what you got." He said to Sylvia, getting ready.

"Ok, we're just seeing how strong your magic is for now." Natsu said, as he walked to Sylvias side. "Try to form a fireball in your hand to throw at Gray." Natsu said, a slight glint in his eye at the prospect of his rival being hurt by such a tiny girl. Sylvia held her hand out in front of her, her face scrunching up in concentration. A medium sized fire ball erupted in her hand, as she squealed with delight.

"Now, throw it at him." Natsu said snickering slightly. Sylvia raised her hand over her head and aimed at gray before throwing. "Let it hit you!" Natsu yelled. Gray closed his eyes as the fire hit him in the face, knocking him backwards. He stood up rubbing the side of his jaw were it was hit. "Not bad." He commented, as Sylvia beamed from ear to ear.

"We'll work on making your magic stronger and teaching you different spells." Natsu said, placing his arm around her shoulder. Sylvia blushed slightly at the warmth of his arm, she was surprised she could feel it at all;Natsus flames must be really strong. "Lucy! Lucy did you see that?" Sylvia asked excitedly, as Lucy and jellal joined them. Lucy giggled at Sylvia's excitement, being reminded of a small child on Christmas morning. "Yeah, it was amazing." Lucy said with a smile.

"Now I can really help you guys!" Sylvia exclaimed. "What do you mean? You've helped us loads." Natsu said. "Yeah, washing dishes and making food is such a big help." Sylvia said in a monotone. Lucy, jellal, Gray and natsu laughed at Sylvia's words. "Look, magic or not your helpful to us." Natsu said assuringly. "Thanks, natsu." Sylvia said, blushing again. "We should discuss our next plan of action for rescuing Erza." Jellal said, clearing his throat. The atmosphere around the group suddenly changed as everyone remembered the task at hand.

"Well, we have the proof we need to show Erza is innocent and put lisanna behind bars." Lucy said thoughtfully. "But, she had all of those guards under her control; there's no telling who else she's controlling." Lucy said. "I don't care who she's controlling, she messed with the wrong person." Natsu snarled, his eyes snapping to Sylvia. "We need to find out her end goal." Jellal said, as he stood beside Lucy.

"I'm still waiting for Levi to decipher more of that book before making any further decisions."Lucy said. "We need to find out if she can control people without the book and if so how she's doing it. We won't know how to stop her until we find out how she's doing it." Lucy said, as everyone agreed. "Does that mean I have time for more training?" Sylvia asked hopefully. "Yeah, go ahead." Lucy said with a smile. Sylvia turned to natsu expectantly. "Are you going to help me?" She asked. "Of course!" Natsu said enthusiastically.

Lucy, Jellal and gray went back inside the guild to see how Levi was coming along with the book. "Anything new Levi?" Lucy asked as they approached her table. Levi sat with a slight frown upon her lips. "Nothing new yet, still haven't figured out how she's controlling people without the book." Levi said, as the pages before her moved at lightning speed. "Well, if anyone can figure it out it's you, shrimp." Gajeel said, as he sat with his arms folded; his head resting back with his eyes closed. With his eyes closed he couldn't see Levi blush slightly beside him. "Oh, here!" Levi exclaimed, as she pointed to a page. "She can use the book to control the minds of others, the spell wears off in 3 hours; and can only be performed with book in hand!" Levi finished excitedly. "So, we just have to keep the book away from her." Gray said with a smirk.

Out in the courtyard, natsu was trying to teach Sylvia the fire dragon iron fist. She was trying so hard to engulf her hand in flame, sweat dripped down her brow. "Ahhhhh!" She cried, as she strained with all her might. Finally, her hand was engulfed with flame as a smile formed on her lips. "I did it! I did it!" She yelled excitedly, as she jumped up and down. "You did it!" Natsu said, as he enveloped her into a hug. Sylvia blushed crimson as natsu awkwardly backed away from her. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Natsu said, slightly shocked at himself.

"It's ok, I didn't mind at all." Sylvia said smiling slightly, as her blush began to grow down her neck. "What else can you show me?" She asked, changing the subject.

With lisanna.

"Aghhhh!" The silver haired girl yelled in frustration, as she threw a table across the room. "What is wrong with you idiots?" She yelled at the guards surrounding her, all of which looked to be in some form of haze. Lisanna was frustrated to say the least, not only did she get beat by Lucy; everyone escaped after planting Natsus power into Sylvia. "I'll show that wench!" She cried, raising her fist to the heavens. She stomped off to her room to think, the first thing she noticed was she didn't have her book. She sighed as she remembered she left it at her house. "I'll have to get that book back somehow." She said to herself, as she begun to smile; a plan forming in her minds eye.

And what has our fearsome Titania been feeling?

Erza sat there in her cell, adorned in a yellow jumpsuit. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head upon the wall. She sighed for the hundredth time that minute, she knew she was innocent; she just didn't dare tarnish fairy tails name by escaping.

Back at fairy tail.

Lucy and jellal sat at a table talking quietly. "So, what are your thoughts?" Jellal asked, his eyes scanning the guild. "I'm really not sure, keep the book away from lisanna sure; but how?" Lucy said, lost in her thoughts. "I mean, do you really think that lisanna would just waltz back into her home to get it when we know what she's done?" Lucy said raising an eyebrow. "Well, no, but we can't know what she's thinking." Jellal said. Natsu, Sylvia and gray joined them, gray beside Lucy with natsu and Sylvia beside Jellal.

"I think we should just storm the castle." Sylvia piped up. "I mean, we already know she's controlling everyone in the castle; we beat her and free them. Then, when we win we free Erza." Sylvia smiled. "For it to sound so simple, it might just work." Lucy said, her face lighting up as she looked to her friends.

The guild doors were pushed open, causing everyone to look. Lucy noticed a girl in the doorway, her glowing silver hair down to her waist. "Hello." She said in a sickly sweet voice. Lucy felt odd about this girl, there was just something remarkably familiar about her. With her silver hair and piercing blue eyes she resembled lisanna; only with long hair. Natsu narrowed his eyes as he recognized the scent of this woman. "Lisanna!" He said in a low growl, only loud enough for those at his table to hear.

End chapter.
Hey guys sorry the ending is rushed I was trying to get the chapter out for you. Promise the next will be up soon and it's gonna be cool. I hope you enjoy this and please vote if you do. And don't forget to comment your thoughts.

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