Chapter twenty-four- magic council invasion

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Lucy couldn't help but be nervous as she and jellal trudged through the busy streets of crocus. Everyone had agreed with her plan for rescuing Erza, but now actions needed to take place. She was afraid of failing, or someone else being arrested. She couldn't bear it if someone else was punished for her mistakes.

Jellal took her hand in his as they started becoming separated by the thick crowd. He was on high alert for any council members or guards that might walk by. Jellal was after all a criminal, even if he was now in fairy tail. If either of them were caught it would be game over. No saving Erza, and all three of them in jail. Jellal spotted a coffee shop a few businesses away and begun to drag Lucy there.

"What are we doing, we have to get to Mercurius to see the king." Lucy said impatiently. "Yes, I am aware of this." Jellal said through gritted teeth as he drug her through the coffee shop door. He sat her at a table taking her hands in his. Lucy began to blush as Jellal stared into her eyes. "What?" She asked self conscious. He lifted his hand, placing his finger under her chin to tilt her head. He softly placed his lips upon hers as she stiffened, then melted into the kiss.

"What was that for?" She asked in a daze, as they pulled away. "Because, we were being followed." He said, flicking his eyes to the window. Lucy followed his gaze, seeing two guards dressed in full blue armor with yellow stitching. They bore sword and shield upon their back. "Plus." Jellal said, gaining her attention once more. "Why would I pass up the chance to kiss you?" He asked seductively. Lucy blushed crimson at his words.

Lucy smiled as she looked at Jellal. "Your really sweet, you know?" Lucy said. Jellal tilted his head to the side, giving a crooked half smile. Lucy loved it when he smiled at her like that. The tattoo around his eye crinkled up when he smiled. "Ok, let's go." Lucy said, as she spotted the guards walking away. They stood and left the coffee shop, keeping the guards in sight.

Natsu, happy, lisanna and Sylvia stood close by to the entrance of the kings garden. Lucy had told them to wait there for her and jellal. Levi, Wendy and gajeel stayed at the guild as back up. Each team had a communication lacryma if anything went wrong. "Look at all the pretty flowers, natsu." Lisanna giggled, as she clasped her hands together. Sylvia rolled her eyes, "how could she be so cheerful?" She thought to herself.

"Yeah, pretty." Natsu said waving his hand slightly. He wasn't paying much attention, his thoughts were on Lucy and jellal. "Why did Lucy have to go with jellal? It's not like the guards are looking for her, jellal could easily sneak through town without her." He thought to himself. "Natsu?" Happy asked, looking worried. "What's wrong little buddy?" Natsu said, noticing the look on his best friends face. "What happens if we get caught?" Happy asked.

Natsu thought for a moment. "Well, the guards aren't after us. We're here to talk to the king, the only one in trouble if their caught is Jellal." He said. "We'll be fine." He added, when Happy didn't look convinced. "Aye." Happy said, flying into Natsus head. "So Sylvia, how well do you know Lucy?"  Lisanna asked, a small smirk being hidden due to her back being turned. Sylvia hesitated for a moment, realizing she didn't know much about Lucy.

"Well, I know enough to trust her if that's what you mean." Sylvia said, glancing at natsu who shrugged. "Why?" Sylvia questioned. "Oh, no reason. Just making conversation." Lisanna said, as she stood and turned to smile at Sylvia. She tilted her head to the side innocently. Sylvia cocked her brow and frowned slightly. She didn't trust lisanna for some reason.

"What's taking them so long?" Natsu whined impatiently. "I don't know but I have to use the ladies room." Lisanna said looking around. "I'll be back." She said, spotting an outhouse. "Be careful." Natsu said, as she walked away. Natsu glanced at Sylvia, he found her quiet attractive. Her long brown hair hung to the middle of her back, her crimson green eyes glinting in the sunlight. For her not to be a mage she held herself with such pride.

"How are you getting along in fairy tail?" Natsu asked, before he could stop himself. He suddenly felt curious about her. "Is everyone treating you fairly?" He asked, as she smiled at him. "Everyone's treating me fine, thanks for asking. I just wish I was a mage so I could help on jobs. I would love to go on a job with mrs Lucy." Sylvia said dreamily. "You really think highly of Lucy, don't you?" Natsu asked with admiration. "Lucy saved my life." Sylvia said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Lisanna asked, as she rejoined the group. "Just seeing how Sylvia's getting along with fairy tail." Natsu said shrugging. Lisanna noticed a slight hue of pink to Natsus cheeks, she shot Sylvia a glare. "Hey guys." Lucy said, as she and jellal approached. "Is everyone ready?" She asked, surveying them. "Aye sir!" They all chorused.

"Wait, weres gray?" Jellal asked, noticing his absence. "I'm here." He said, as he joined the group. "Let's go save Erza." He said with determination. They headed into the Kings garden, knocking on the wooden door. The door was opened by princess hisui, who smiled politely at her guests before leading them to the sitting chambers. "The king will be with you shortly." She said, before leaving to fetch him.

The group talked amongst themselves, Lucy noticed lisanna being awful quiet. "What's taking so long?" Gray asked in a bored tone. Natsu was scanning the room, checking all possible exits. One of the doors on the far side of the room crashed open, soldiers pouring through it. "Crap!" Natsu exclaimed. "We're's lisanna? He asked looking around.

"Halt, by order of the king you are herby arrested." One of the guards said, as he hid behind a pillar. "Under what grounds?" Lucy asked, standing her ground. The guards looked at one another, unsure what to say. "We weren't told." He said simply. They began to shoot magic rifles at the mages. Lucy grabbed Sylvia as she and jellal ducked behind pillars, happy flew natsu into the air. "Ahh!" Sylvia screamed in fear, as she slid to the ground.

The sound of Sylvia's cry made natsu look down to her, he didn't like seeing her cowering there; her body shaking from fear. "Let's go beat some people up." He said, smiling to happy. Happy flew him around viewing their opponent.

Lucy growled at the oncoming onslaught of bullets. These guys were starting to piss her off, she glanced down at the whimpering Sylvia. "Jellal, let's kick some ass." Lucy said with a smirk. Jellal turned to her, a smile creeping to his face. "Yeah!" He purred. Lucy jumped into the air ready for battle. "Open, gate of the lion; Leo." She chanted.

"Your knight in shining armor." Loki said, as he appeared in a flash of white; wearing a black tux with black shades. Lucy shook her head at her friend. "Beat them up." She said, pointing to the guards. "As you wish Lucy." He smiled. "Regulas impact!" He chanted, as his fist began to glow. He beat his fist to the floor causing an earthquake to erupt towards the guards.

He turned to Lucy with a smile when the ground settled. "Great job." She said, sending him back to the spirit world. She turned to Jellal with a smile as the enemy fell before them. Lucy!" Happy cried, as he flew to her. "Ahh!" Sylvia screamed, as a guard grabbed her from behind. Lucy and jellal turned to find two guards hauling an unconscious natsu, with a struggling Sylvia.

"Arrest those two." A voice said. Lucy and jellal turned to see lisanna with a dozen guards. "Take those two to the dungeon." She said with an evil smile, before using her magic to turn into a bird.

End chapter.

Hey guys hope you enjoy. Loads more to come in the next chapter. If you liked this chapter please vote and comment your thoughts.

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