Chapter twenty-one -sylvia

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It's been two months since Erza was taken by the magic council. The guild has pretty much stayed the same, except Jellal is now an s-class mage. He moved up quickly with Erza being gone. Lucy, jellal, natsu, happy and gray were currently on a mission. Some big wig guy was kidnaping women and selling them to the highest bidder. Lucy was currently "kidnapped" by his men, being held in an abandoned building outside of town.

Lucy looked around at the twenty or so other women in the room. All of them looked scared, starved and given up. Lucy was determined to save these people. She was surprised they picked her with her horns and tail. She heard them talking about how much money they would make from her. From the sound of it, they had found a buyer willing to spend millions on her.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Lucy thought to herself. "He hasn't even seen me yet." She scoffed. "Men can be such pigs." She muttered under her breath. "You shouldn't let them hear you talk like that." A young girls voice rang out beside Lucy. Lucy jumped slightly at being caught talking to herself. "I'm not scared of them." Lucy said, as she looked the girl over.

The girl was young, about sixteen, with brown hair to her shoulders and vibrant green eyes. "My name is Sylvia." The girl said sweetly. "Lucy." Lucy said, smiling and shaking the girls hand. "Nice to meet you Lucy." Sylvia said smiling. "How long have you been here?" Lucy asked, as she looked around at the other girls. "Oh, about two years." Sylvia said sadly.

"Two years!?" Lucy said shocked. Sylvia nodded before answering. "Yeah, they sell me to someone and when their finished with me bring me back here to do it all again." She said. "Oh my, I'm so sorry." Lucy said, as her eyes began to tear up. "I promise to get you out of here." Lucy said with determination. Sylvia shook her head sadly as she looked around. "There's no way to escape." She said.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm a mage on a mission. Me and my friends are going to rescue all of the girls in this room." Lucy promised, as Sylvia's face lit up in happiness. "Your a mage?" Sylvia asked, glancing over Lucy's horns and tail. "I'm part devil." Lucy told her, as Sylvia became shocked. "But, you a good devil right?" Sylvia asked, admiring Lucy's halo.

"It's a long story." Lucy laughed. "Maybe when we get out of here I'll tell you." She said. "How long will we be in here?" Sylvia asked curiously. "Not much longer if I can help it." Lucy said. "These guys are giving me the creeps." Lucy said, shivering slightly. "Me too." Sylvia said, also shivering slightly. "Lucy, are you ready?" Jellals voice could be heard through the earpiece Lucy wore. It was the same color as her ear so that it wasn't noticeable.

"Yeah, were ready." Lucy said with a smile. "Okay, wait what? We?" Jellal asked. "Never mind, we're coming." He said with a sigh. Lucy shook her head slightly, he should know her well enough by now to know she makes friends easily. A door opened in the far corner of the room, revealing a short chubby man who was slightly balding. He waddled into the room with two body guards behind him. As he walked he inspected the women as he passed them.

He nodded in approval at some, while scowling at the others. He stopped when he was in front of Lucy and Sylvia. "Ah, this one." He said with a glint in his eyes, as he pointed to Lucy. Lucy gulped slightly as the sight of this man maid the bile grow in her throat. "I'll take her." He said with finality. Before anyone could respond the ceiling caved in on top of the chubby man.

After the smoke cleared, Jellal, natsu, happy and gray could be seen standing upon the rubble. "Perfect timing." Lucy said smiling, as she placed her hand on her hip. Jellal walked to her and gave her a hug before planting a kiss on her forehead. "Wow!" Sylvia whispered, as she looked over natsu, happy and gray. She turned to Lucy with a huge smile on her face. "So, all of you are mages?" She asked with excitement.

"Of course were all mages." Gray said in a duh tone, shaking his head slightly. "Be nice gray." Lucy scolded. "Hi, I'm happy." Happy said, flying in front of Sylvia. "Oh wow! You can fly! And talk!" Sylvia said in awe. "Of course I can, I'm a cat." Happy said with a smile. Lucy shook her head slightly with a smile. "You being a cat has nothing to do with it Happy." She laughed.

"Okay, so who's first?" Natsu asked looking around. A group of twenty men came rushing into the room at the noise. "This all they got?" Gray asked looking bored. "This isn't even a warm up." He smirked, as him and natsu quickly wiped them out. The twenty or so women begun to applaud happily. "Were saved!" Many of them yelled. "Okay ladies, follow me." Lucy said, taking the lead as she led them from the room.

The police showed up shortly after, to escort the women to the hospital. "Lucy?" Sylvia asked, pulling on Lucy's shirt. Lucy turned around with a smile when seeing Sylvia. "Yes?" She asked politely. Sylvia blushed slightly as she fidgeted with her shirt. "Can....can I come to fairy tail with you?" She asked hopefully. Lucy thought about it for a moment. "Are you a mage?" She asked, as Sylvia shook her head no.

"Hm, well you won't be able to go on missions with me if your not a mage." Lucy told her. "But, I'm sure master would let you work the bar with Mira." She smiled. "You think so?" Sylvia asked hopefully. "We won't know until we ask." Lucy said winking. "Lucy, may I have a moment.?" Jellal asked, coughing slightly. "Of course, excuse me Sylvia." Lucy said politely, as she followed Jellal a little ways away.

"Lucy, I just received word about Erza." Jellal said quietly. "Master sent me this letter moments ago." He said, as he handed Lucy the letter. Lucy read it over as her eyes grew wide. "What? Their making her stay in jail for three years?!" Lucy asked appalled. Jellal nodded sadly at her. "We can't let this happen!" Lucy said frantically. "Well, what do you think we should do!" Jellal asked. "Well, we have two options." Lucy said thoughtfully. "Either we convince the magic council to release her early." She said pausing.

"Or?" Jellal said, urging her to continue. "Or, we can break her out ourselves." Lucy said, becoming serious. "I promise we won't let Erza stay there for long. I think we should try approach one first." Jellal said. Lucy nodded in agreement. "I promise you Lucy, we'll get her out." Jellal said, taking Lucy's hand in his. Lucy gave his hand a squeeze for comfort. "Thank you." She smiled.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Natsu asked. Happy landed on top of Sylvias' head causing her to giggle. Gray placed his hands in his pockets with a bored expression.  "Let's go back home." Lucy said happily, as she elf the way back to fairy tail.

End chapter.
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