Chapter thirty-four- pirates

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"Ah shit." Lucy cursed angrily. Jellal and gray had been knocked out by some of the guys on board.  Jacob stood before them, an island of trees in the distance behind him. "That's were you lovely ladies will be spending the rest of your days working." Jacob said, pointing his thumb to the island behind him. Lucy and juvia gazed at the island, then the men around them. They were already exhausted from their battle before, Jellal and gray were both unconscious.

"I think we can take them." Lucy said, as she and juvia stood back to back. Juvia observed the men around her with disgust. "What work would we be doing exactly?" Juvia asked, slight anger sweeping into her tone. "Hehe, you'll find out when you get there." He smirked, sending shivers down their spines. "And, you will fetch a hefty price." He said, eyeing her up and down.

Her hair was glowing down to her waist, shining golden bright in the sun. Her horns were practically white now, elegant swirls spiraling down them. She wore a black v-neck shirt, with black combat boots to match. Her tail swished behind her out of her dark blue jeans. She placed her hand to her hip, a glare forming in her eye. "You disgust me!" Lucy said with venom, as he merely chuckled.

"And you, I'm thinking you'll sell just as well." He said to juvia, licking his lips with lust. Juvia visibly shivered, as she pressed her back harder against Lucy's. "Keep them busy." He said to his men, waving his hand as he walked below deck. Two men dragged gray and jellal to the side of the ship, tying them to posts. The men began to circle Lucy and juvia.

"How much you got?" Lucy whispered to juvia. "Juvia thinks she has enough to defend herself. You?" She asked. "I think I do to." Lucy replied. They jumped into action, blocking blow after blow. "Water slicer!" Juvia chanted, as a single wave of multiple blades sped towards the enemy. "Ahhh!" They cried, as they were sent flying into the air. "Star dress: aquarius form!" Lucy recited, as she changed into a bikini top and wrap around skirt. "Water vortex!" She cried, as a last of water sent more of the men off the ship.

They continued to fight with all they had, until there was only two men left. Clap clap clap. Lucy looked up to see Jacob standing on the wheel deck. "Great work keeping them busy, we're here." He said, before vanishing and reappearing behind them. Lucy and juvia gasped, as his hands hit the pressure plate in their necks; knocking them unconscious.

"Ugh." Lucy groaned, as she came to. "Juvia?" She said, looking around. She could see a tuff of blue hair beside her, juvia was still unconscious. Lucy looked down at herself, noticing she was in a long white gown. She looked at juvia to see she also was in a long white gown. "What the hell?" She questioned, looking around the room they were in.

"Lucy?" Juvia questioned, as she came to. "Oh thank god." Lucy said, rushing to her side. "Are you okay?" She asked with concern. "Juvia thinks so." Juvia said, rubbing out her sore shoulders. "Guess we were right to have a bad feeling." Juvia said. "Yeah, now we have to get out of here and find Jellal and gray." Lucy said, observing the walls for an exit. At the mention of gray, juvia realized the boys weren't in the same room as them.

"Lucy-san?" Juvia said from across the room. "Hm?" Lucy replied, joining juvia. "There's no doors or windows in this room." Juvia noted. "Yeah, I couldn't find any either." Lucy pouted. "Oh, I know." She said, snapping her fingers. She brought her hand to her hip, and then sighed when realizing her keys were missing. "Crap! Even if we get out of here I can't use my spirits." Lucy said frustrated.

"Juvia could try to blast a hole in the wall." Juvia suggested, rubbing her hands on the walls; looking for weak spots. "Hang on a minute." Lucy said, motioning Juvia over. "I feel some wind here." She said, stopping her hand in a slight crevice on the wall. "Juvia feels it too." Juvia said, placing her hand on the wall; feeling the cool breeze of the wind.

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