Chapter sixteen-family betrayal

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Erza stepped from the platform of the train just, as she felt an eerie magic in the air. She looked to the sky as she saw a black swirling vortex. "Hm, must be Lucy." She said sadly, as she begun to head in that direction. She quickened her pace when she heard a male voice cry out in pain.

She rushed into the hotel lobby and through the stairs. She exited the stairs and dashed down the hall, kicking open the door to Lucy and Jellals room. Just as she kicked the door, she saw Jellal go flying through the air from the bathroom doorway. "Ahh!" He cried, as he slid down the wall. "Lucy, calm down!" He cried in vain, as he quickly stood once more.

Jellal spotted Erza in the doorway giving her a fearful glance. "We have to help her." He begged, as Lucy exited the bathroom. She hovered in the air, her black wings keeping her suspended. Erzas jaw dropped at Lucy's transformation. "Lucy?" She whispered horsely, as she took a timid step towards her.

Lucy's eyes turned to slits as they landed on Erza. Erza gasped at the malice she saw. Lucy's eyes were becoming redder, her horns becoming pointier. She looked at Jellal with pleading in her eyes. "Help me." She whispered, as she landed in a heap on the floor unconscious. Jellal rushed to her side scooping her into his lap. He placed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh Lucy." He sighed, as the hope began to drain from him. "It's worse than I feared." Erza said, as she stood by Jellals side. She looked down at her friend not knowing what to do. "I have to get her to the house on the outskirts of town." Jellal said, as a tear slid down his cheek. He picked Lucy up into his arms as he stood.

Erza blocked his path with her body. "I think you know what needs to happen." She said sternly. "We have to put her down." Erza said, her expression turning dark. Jellal narrowed his eyes at Erza. "I won't let you!" He said, as he lifted his hand and blasted Erza out of the way.

He stepped over Erzas body as he headed out the door. Lucy stirred slightly in his arms, as he raced down the hall to the stairs. He rushed down the stairs and out of the hotel doors. He quickly surveyed his surroundings for anything he could use. He spotted a magic vehicle close by and quickly placed Lucy inside the carriage. He jumped into the driver seat hooking up the plug to his arm.

He could feel the vehicle sucking his magic from his veins but didn't slow down. He raced through the town as fast as he could until he finally reached the road leading out of town. The terrain became bumpy as he traveled down the dirt road. He slammed to a halt in front of the house on the outskirts of town. He jumped off the carriage and quickly gathered Lucy into his arms, as he raced to the front door.

He kicked the door as a knock. He waited and waited, until an elderly gentleman answered the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "How may I help you?" He asked, as he glanced from the panting, flustered Jellal to Lucy.

"Please, you have to help her." Jellal begged breathlessly. "Master Mokarov said you could help her." He said, as he leaned against the doorframe exhausted. The elderly man looked over Lucy's horns wings and tail. "Bring her to the couch." He said, as he stepped out of the way to allow them in.

Jellal rushed inside gently placing Lucy on the couch. He stepped away from her before turning to the gentleman. "Please." He begged. "Hrm." The man sad as he examined Lucy's body. He held his hands over her chest as he took in the amount of magic she had. He quickly withdrew his hands as a swirl of black magic began to form around her.

The elderly man walked to a cabinet in the corner of the room, before rummaging through different sized vials. He picked up a large round vial with blue liquid inside of it. He removed the cap, smelling the contents before swirling them slightly. He walked back to Lucy on the couch, sitting in a chair beside her.

He began to chant under his breath as he dropped the liquid on each of her horns before moving to her wings and tail. When the liquid was gone he returned the lid, before placing the vial on the floor. He went into the kitchen, grabbing a tea pot and filling it with water to boil. "Come on in here sonny." He wheezed, as he bustled around making tea.

Jellal walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. He fidgeted with his hands as he begun to worry. "So?" He asked impatiently. "What's going to happen now?" He asked. "Oh, don't you fret now." The elderly man said, placing a cup of tea in front of Jellal. "It will take some time for the potion to take effect." He informed.

Back with Erza.

Erza shook her head slightly as she begun to stir. She pushed herself from the floor quickly looking around. "Dang it!" She hollered, as she punched a hole in the wall. "He must have taken her to the house on the outskirts of town." She said to herself, as she rushed from the room and down the hall.

She raced down the dirt road leading to the house. It took her almost an hour to find the house. She bent over placing her hands on her knees, as she regained her breath. She walked to the front door giving it a knock. She waited a moment as she heard shuffling behind the door. When the door opened jellal stood in the frame.

"Jellal." Erza spat. "Where is she?" She demanded. "She's resting." He said simply, blocking her path. Erzas eyes narrowed at Jellal, as she squared off against him. "Excuse me." A squeaky voice said from behind Jellal. Jellal stepped to the side, allowing the elderly man to be seen in the doorway.

"Oh, hello miss." He said, when spotting Erza. "You must be Erza." He tilted his head to the side. Erzas eyes widened at the mention of her name. "How did you know who she was?" Jellal asked shocked. "I never mentioned her." He said. The man turned to Jellal. "No, you didn't Makorov did." He said.

Erza and jellal were both shocked. Jellal never mentioned his distrust for Erzas eagerness to kill Lucy. Erza didn't think master noticed her eagerness to kill Lucy.  Not just because of her devil power, but because of her love for Jellal. Her eyes turned to slits.

"Get out of my way." She said venomously, as she pushed them both of them aside. She stepped into the house and in to the living room. She saw Lucy laying on the couch resting peacefully. Erza was unsure for a moment about her actions. She quickly shook her head as a sword appeared in her hand.

She walked to the couch grabbing Lucy's hair in her hand, placing the sword to Lucy's throat. Jellal came running into the room. He froze in the door as he saw Erza, the elderly gentlemen pushed past Jellal. "If you kill her now you'll regret it." He said in a serious tone. "She has been given a potion that may help her. We are waiting to see." He informed her.

Erza hesitated for a moment as she thought about it. "I can't take that chance." She said, as she began to slice Lucy's throat.

End chapter.

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