Chapter eleven- devil lucy appears

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Back at fairy tail.

Jellal,Erza, Gray, Wendy, natsu and happy all stood in masters office. "Alright, listen close brats." Master said, as he sat behind his desk. "We know who has taken Lucy, the problem is where?" He placed his hands on his desk, fingers interlocked. He looked over the team before him.

"Once you arrive at the docks, jellal and natsu will search for clues. Erza, you will also help in that. Wendy, your their back up. You heal them and help them." Master smiled at Wendy. "Yes sir." She said, happily accepting the task.

"You may go now." Master said dismissing them. They left the guild and headed towards the docks. "So, you got a thing for Lucy huh?" Gray asked casually, as they walked down the dock. Jellal turned pink at his words. "Well, yeah I guess you could say it like that." Jellal said, embarrassed.

Wendy covered her mouth as she giggled. "I think it's kind of romantic." She said. "I didn't know you before, but you seem like a nice guy to me." Wendy smiled. "Thank you, that means a lot. Especially coming from such a strong wizard like yourself." Jellal said. Wendy smiled at his words.

Erza and natsu walked slightly ahead of the rest. "So, do you trust him?" Erza asked, nodding her head towards jellal. Natsu glanced behind them to see Wendy smiling. "I don't know yet." He said truthfully. "I guess we'll have to wait and see when we save Lucy. Either he's behind this, or he's really trying to save her." Natsu said shrugging.

Erza glanced at her friend. "You've grown." She said proudly. "I wonder what midnight wants with Lucy." She said offhand. "Well, we won't know until we find them." Natsu said, his features turning determined. "Let's find some clues." They spread out as they searched.

With Lucy.

Midnight opened the cage to Lucy's cell. "Get up girl. Time to go." Midnight said, as he jerked Lucy to her feet. "Were are you taking me?" She questioned. "You'll know soon enough." He sneered.

He grabbed her under her arm and pulled her to her feet. As they walked out the door Lucy could see a fountain. It was covered with a white sheet. She glanced around, noticing many buildings. They all looked abandoned. She recognized this place.

She looked to her left to see the heartfilia mansion. She groaned as midnight pulled her towards a bench. He sat her down roughly before walking away.

"Hello Lucy." A male voice said. Lucy turned around to find her father. "What are you doing here?" She gasped. "Why are you doing this?" She asked. "Haha, you'll find out soon dear." He said. "Follow me." He led her to one of the abandoned buildings.

Once inside, Lucy could see what looked like a medical room. There was a bed, a table full of tools. Something that looked like a chemical set. Her breath caught in her throat. "What are they going to do to me?" She thought to herself.

"Come now, don't be scared." Her father said, motioning for her to come closer. She shivered as he grabbed her elbow, pulling her closer to the table. "This is were we experiment on people, to make them stronger." Her father whispered into her ear.

She shivered again as his breath hit her ear. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How could you?" She asked, clinching her hands into fists. "How could you do this to people?" She asked, becoming angrier.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough." He sneered with a smile. "Chain her down." He snarled, midnight grabbed Lucy roughly. He threw her into the chair, chaining her down with black and green chains. She struggled with all her might to no avail.

Her body glowed gold as she mustered as much magic power as she could; but she still couldn't break the chains. She lay there, panting.

Back with jellal.

Jellal and natsu found tracks and midnights scent. Wendy, Gray and Erza followed behind them. "Do you think Lucy's okay?" Wendy asked Erza. Erza glanced at the child beside her. She smiled sweetly at her. "Of course, Lucy's one of the strongest people I know." Erza said honestly.

"Yeah, if anyone can pull through this; it's her." Gray said, placing his hands in his pockets. "Gray, where is your shirt?" Wendy asked giggling. "Ah crap!" Gray screamed, looking down to find his shirt gone. Erza shook her head at him and smiled.

"So, what's the plan for when we find Lucy?" Jellal asked casually. "Easy, we kick their ass and take her back." Natsu said confidently, lighting one of his hands on fire. Jellal was amazed at Natsus confidence. "You always seem to amaze me, natsu." Jellal said.

They continued to follow midnights scent, until they came into a clearing. "Wait." Natsu said, as everyone behind him halted. "What is it natsu?" Gray asked. "I smell Lucy." He said, sniffing around. "Hey, isn't this Lucy's house?" Erza asked, pointing into the distance.

A mansion stood at the top of the hill. Fields could be seen for miles. There were four buildings a distance from the mansion. Natsu pointed to one of the buildings. "That's were Lucy is." Natsu said. "Are you sure?" Wendy and Jellal asked. "Positive." Natsu said, as Lucy's scream could be heard.

Natsu clenched his fists in anger. Wendy's eyes began to water. Gray stood still as a statue. Erza drew a sword prepared for battle. Jellal stood there, the color draining from his face at the sound of her scream. He felt as though his insides had been ripped to shreds. "We have to save her!" He said, running forwards.

Natsu, Erza, Wendy and gray followed suit. Jellal burst down the door as the group trailed in. Once inside they saw Lucy, chained to a table. Midnight stood over her, his magic holding her down. Her father stood in the corner, a huge grin on his face.

What happened with Lucy.

As she sat there panting from exhaustion, her father walked to the table of tools. "This will probably hurt, and for that I'm sorry my dear." Jude said, as he picked up a scalpel. Lucy began to tremble. "What are you going to do to me?" She asked, her voice cracking from fear.

"Ah my dear, I'm going to make you stronger." He said, a glint in his eye. "I'm going to make you better than ever. Better than dragon slayers or god slayers." He continued, becoming excited. He walked to a cabinet and pulled out a box. He placed the box on the table before opening it. A black and red glow could be seen from inside.

"What is that?" Lucy asked fearfully. "This my dear." Jude said, as he turned to look at her; a sneer on his lips. "Is a devils lacryma." He said. Lucy was confused. She had never heard of a devils lacryma. "What will it do to me?" She asked, fearing the answer. "This will make you stronger." He said, as he grabbed the scalpel and turned towards her.

She screamed as her stomach was split open. She began to pant as sweat poured down her face. "Please, stop." She begged breathlessly. "I'm sorry, dear." Jude said sincerely, before forcing the lacryma into her stomach.

Lucy was enveloped in a storm if black and red magic. Her back arched as pain wracked her body. She felt as though her forehead was on fire, as horns began to grow. A tail formed above her behind, long with a red spiky end. Black lines appeared on her arms in a symbolic design.

She screamed again as she fell back on the bed, panting hard.

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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