Mini Ladd~ Choice 2 (Unwanted Confession)

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(If you chose to let it go)

Few days had passed, me and Craig had stopped talking to each other, we may sometimes ask each other like a time or what's up but we never really engage in a full on conversation anymore.

My eyes just glanced every once and a while, He didn't seem to notice that plus, he looks happy. I shrugged it off, finally standing up and giving my teacher a card.

She glanced up from her glasses, looking from me and to the letter. "You're moving out? Why?" My teacher asked, I lightly smiled to myself, "Everything is stated in the letter Ma'am." I spoke attentively,

My teacher sighed before giving me a friendly smile, "(y/n) (l/n), you did well in this class, too bad you're willing to move out..." She exclaimed before approving the card.

I nodded gently, getting back to my seat, grabbing my bag, on the way I saw Craig's face filled with confusion and... Sadness..??

I shrugged it off and left.

As I entered my new classroom, everybody had welcomed me. I lightly sat on my assigned seat before a finger tapped me from behind, I turned my head to see Evan, my old crush.

"Hey (y/n), decided to transfer already?" He asked as I lightly rolled my eyes, "Whatever Ev," I replied, "Well... It's nice to be your classmate once again (y/n)!" He cheered, I focused my gaze back to the class but not before hiding a small smile.

Few weeks had passed, Craig and I had completely became strangers but Evan and I had became close friends. Right now, My book is almost full of me and Evan's secret conversation.

Maybe moving forward isn't entirely a bad thing at all...

Choice 2 is Donzo!
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See y'all soon,

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