yoongi - jealousy

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word count: 1745

yikes this is very old so don't judge this crappy writing lmao

"No, not like that." ... "Just.. step to the right now." He said. You tried to follow Hoseok's instructions the best you could, but your skill level wasn't anywhere near his. So you had a hard time to say the least. "Like this?" You asked. You were messing up most of the moves he was trying to teach you. "No, let me help you." He got behind you and placed his hands on your hips, guiding you. "Just follow me." He did the moves along with you, gently pulling you a bit closer to him. "That's much better." He said. You chuckled. "Thanks!" You replied. You could see Hoseok smile behind you through the mirror. But you quickly turned around as you heard someone clear his throat behind you. "How's practice?" Yoongi was standing next to the door, and he didn't look all too happy at this sight. 

Hoseok removed his hands from your waist and fixed his clothes. "She's uh.. getting much better." Hoseok said.

"Great." Yoongi answered with a cold expression. You could literally feel the tension in the room. "We're leaving, come on Y/n." Yoongi walked up to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room. "Yoongi wait-"

He cut you off by dragging you out of the practice room and into the hallway, away from Hoseok. "You could've at least said goodbye to Hoseok." You said. "No I couldn't." He answered. He quickly opened the door to his studio and pushed you inside, locking the door behind him.

"What are you-" He cut you off again. "Why was he touching you?" His eyes were dark, his expression stern as he stared you down. "He was just teaching me the dance.."

"By pulling your ass against his dick?" He said angrily. He scoffed. "No, we weren't-" "Well, that's what it looked like. You know I don't like seeing you with someone else." He sighed, closing his eyes before taking a step back, leaning against a table. "I wasn't doing anything-"

"Strip." He commanded. You froze at his words. "What?" You furrowed your brows. "I said strip, are you deaf?" He repeated. You looked at him with a confused look.

Strip? What is he suddenly- "Undress, get naked. Or should I do it myself?" He started to get annoyed as you didn't do what he said. "Yoongi-" "Fine, option two it is." He came closer to you and pulled your shirt up. "You can't even listen to simple instructions." He scoffed.

He pulled the shirt over your head and threw it on the ground. He quickly moved on to your shorts and pulled them down. "Turn around." He commanded again. You turned around, still confused as to what he was gonna do. Was he about to fuck you? Spank you? "I guess I've gotta mark what's mine.. Don't you think?"

Spanking it is.. "Bend over."

You bent over, leaning your elbows on the table Yoongi usually works on. "Now, I want to hear my girl loud and clear. So everyone can hear who you belong to. Can you do that for me?" His voice sounded more gentle this time. "Y-yes." You replied.

"Good." In a few seconds you could feel Yoongi's hand spanking your ass, leaving burning but enjoyable pain behind. And a red mark in the shape of his hand, of course. You whined loudly at the stinging pain. It hurt, but it was so addictive. You honestly loved it whenever he spanked you.

You whimpered as you felt his hand on your ass again, but more forceful this time. "You do know that these are soundproof walls, right?" He said. 

"I said loud." He spanked you again. "And clear." And again.

You whimpered in pain each time you felt his hand leaving another mark. Your ass would probably be bright burning red by now. "Do you like getting your ass spanked?" He asked.

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