The first day as a proxy

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Ash's POV

I guess this is the end I just killed half of my school because I lost control of the stupid alter personas.

I throw my head back as I lean against a tree miserably. I then hear a noise nearby it sounded like a loud crash.

"Toby!! quit fooling around you idiot!!" I hear a male around 20 years old shout at another boy.

I get up fast grasping my knife that was still well covered with my peers blood.

"whose out there!!" I shout ready for a fight

"Masky quiet down you're gonna get us caught by the police or worse" I hear a deep monotone voice growl. I swallow I couldn't possibly take on three guys at once with or without a knife. I zip up my leather black jacket knowing that the thickness of the material could help protect me from cuts and such. I pull down my goggles and put up my hood also hoping it would help me camoflauge into the woods a little better if I stayed low near the foliage. I swallow looking down and my blood covered jeans I would leave a trail that they could track if I crawled. I curse under my breath until all of a sudden I get ran over by a boy about my age running at me and he falls on top of me and I blush dark he was pretty cute. Wait I can't get distracted this guy could hurt me. I quickly kick him on the stomach with both my feet but he just flies backwards hitting a tree but makes no reaction of pain. I growl holding my knife getting up they looked like crazies to say in the least. They looked like me. I didn't know what to think at all I was stuck frozen to the ground ready for a fight.

"Masky don't engage in a fight you're already injured enough" a boy ,well I think he was a boy, growls. the one that I assumed was masky was staring at me even though I couldn't see his eye they were giving me a deadly look. I swallow nervous. The cute boy was staring at me very closely too closely.

"quit looking at me like that?!!" I growl loudly becoming self conscious trying to stop shifting shyly.

"you're cute.... and appear to be a good fighter...." The boy looks at the one with the hoodie and voice changer.

"should we take him?" he asks. The hooded one nods and I tense up a lot.

"what?! what do you mean take me!!!" I shout angrily. I get ready to throw my knife at one of them and fight to the death if necessary I was not gonna let them take me away or rape me.

"whoa chill dude we're.... Well I'm not gonna hurt you... just tell us what you're doing out here" The cute one says calmly. I relax a little he had a calming and kind voice considering he was obviously a killer. I swallow nervously.

"I uhh well I just massacred almost my whole school they are looking for me and I don't think I'm gonna get away if you don't let me go" I say breathing heavily.

"come with us then we can help you out" The boy smiles under his lower face mask well I think he did but then he takes off his orange goggles revealing beautiful hazel eyes. I bite my lip deep in thought. well I don't have any other options really but.

"are you coming or not?" the one with the white mask asks impatiently. I swallow hard.

"okay yeah I'll go with you guys I don't have any other options really." I say in defeat looking at the ground. The one with the hood and mask began to walk while the one with the hazel eyes waited for me a little while as I got up. I smile shyly at him and get up carefully just in case I'm injured in any way. he then puts me on his back since my ankle was twisted.

"HEY!!!?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???!!!!" I yelp loudly and squirm but he had too firm a grip on me. He shrugs and just starts walking with me on his back. I begin to claw his shoulders but I don't get a single reaction of pain like I wanted. "put me down now!!" I protest

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