hopes and dreams

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Ash's P.O.V.

I growl and pace in my room angry at what Toby had said to me. I began to punch the wall hard leaving a small dent in the wall.

"err h-hey umm ar-are you okay?" I hear a voice say softly from behind me. I look behind me and see EJ at the door staring at me.

"what do you think baka!" I shout at him annoyed. He nods and sighs

"you might want to stop hitting that wall Jeff would be really mad if you broke the wall separating your room from his" he says. I grunt and stop rubbing my bleeding hands. I didn't feel the pain that much well I did but I loved that feeling.

"come on I'll take you out hunting with me I guess so you can let off some steam" he says and walks closer to me reaching to grab my hand. I swat his hand away harshly.

"and what if i don't want to..." I hiss angrily putting my gloves with metal on the knuckles to make my punches more lethal. he smirks his mask was lifted to show just his mouth since he was probably eating earlier blood lining his lips.

"It wasn't a question...." he says and just picks me up swinging me onto his back. Curse my light weight.

"Hey put me down jerk!" I shout hitting and clawing at him. I squirm desperately and growl deeply trying to show that I'm more angry than embarassed. I stop squirming after awhile when we get into the forest. He then puts me down.

He begins to walk to a dark house it was around midnight so it made sense that the people inside the house had decided to go to be. I reach for a knife that I keep at my thigh but it wasn't there and I turn my head and see EJ twirling it in his hand.

"Looking for this kitten?" He asks.

"Yes and don't fucking call me Kitten..... I'm ... only.... uhh" I stutter I almost said my best friend Drake was the only one that could call me Kitten. I miss him so much. No I don't have a crush on him he's straight and likes this girl named Jenna. I wish I could have him back as a friend she takes all of his attention and she is so mean to me I hate her. I guess I do like him like that but he'd hate my guts if he knew anyways. I don't know why I even think about and miss him he's probably got Jenna all over him I'd never get to talk to him even if I did go back. It's useless but I still love him with all my heart and the reason I let Masky I let masky do those things with me was because he looks like my.... I mean Drake just Drake I was pretending it was him. It hurts more now though that little lie to myself is killing me now. I look at my feet and sigh

"Are you okay?" Ej asks. I simply nod and snatch my knife back away from him. I pull down my goggles that I wear on my head and pull on my head they are purple and tint my vision a bit I like the color it's soothing so seeing everything in beautiful different tints helps me feel better. I begin to walk into the house cautiously picking the lock and see Ej just leaping in through a window. I shrug and enter carefully padding my way inside. I was glad I wasn't wearing any shoes liking the feeling of cold tile floor under my paws/feet. I feel my knifes smooth blade cutting my finger a bit but begin to enter the first room that I could detect a living being inside sleeping. I begin the kill quickly ending their life I felt my eyes darken at the sight of blood I lick it up carefully. I then head into a room with two girls sharing a bed one around 13 the other much older at the age of 19. I choose to kill the older first and then the younger I was a bit slower with the younger I almost felt bad for shortening her life when i notice cuts and cigarette burns poorly hidden. She could become like me freeing people of bad people by ending them. I used to be suicidal till I realized that I shouldn't be the one that has to die to fix others mistakes. I learned that I deserve to live and the people that cause pain should die.

I spare that girl she would be free tomorrow morning I made sure to make it obvious she wasn't guilty of murder and then go to meet EJ outside covered in blood. He was munching on a kidney and I smile weakly at him and we begin the trek home I play with my night and get lost in thought walking to well my new home. We finally get home and I go to my room stripping down to just my underwear and flop onto my bed I never noticed how exhausted I was till my head hit the pillow and I passed out.

~the dream~

"Drake?" I call out seeing someone that looked like him on a hill that was near our old hideout that we used to play in when we were little.

"Hey kitten" he says turning to me giving me his a thousand watt smile that I haven't seen in ages I felt my heart throb with love.

"he-hey what are you do-doing out here" I stutter softly.

"getting ready to watch the sunset care to join me?" He says shrugging and loosening his grip on the quilt that was keeping him warm and holding an arm out so we could share the quilt. I carefully sit by him gripping my tail so I don't sit on it. he lets me wrap the quilt around my shoulders so I stay warm and I look into his beautiful green eyes and blush. I nervously ruffle his coppery red hair.

"hey!" he yelps surprised and laughs loudly. I felt my hand tremble a bit hearing his hearty laugh the one that I've adored my whole life it made me happy that I could make him laugh unlike Jenna.

"What?" I giggle in response ears twitching happily. He leans closer to me and I blush dark as our foreheads touch.

"you're so cute" he says and pets my ears making me purr loudly. I sigh contently as I lean my face against his hand. We then watch the sunset in silence my heart pounding as though it was trying to break out of my rib cage. Then I felt Drake kissing my cheek I giggle and fall onto my side on his lap cause it tickled a bit.

"What'd you do that for you big dope" I giggle and playfully swat at his face.

"because I love you" he whispers in my ear.

I then sit up opening my eyes. My eyes widen and I pull my knees up to my chest burying my face in my hands forehead leaning forward against my knees. I then felt tears beginning to run down my face and I start to sob. My ears twitch and I look up in fear hearing my door open and relax it's just EJ he must've heard me. I wipe my tears away fast not wanting him to see me as weak or pathetic.

"what?!" I growl loudly. He rushes to my side worried and kneels by me.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and look away.

"I'm perfectly fine" I say crossing my arms.

"No you're not come on you can sleep in my room" He says picking me up bridal style carrying me to his room and creates a nest for me on the floor for me which I absolutely love sleeping in. I relax a bit burying my nose in the blankets which smelled like Toby for some reason and for some even weirder reason it comforted me.
"why do these smell like Toby?" I ask curious and then I see why as the brunettes eyes flutter open. My eyes widen and I whimper as EJ had left the room. Toby was laying on a cot and EJ must've used some of the blankets from where Toby was to create my nest. This was gonna be a harder night for me to sleep.

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