A night with Toby

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I sit up and look at him glaring.

"what the hell are you doing here?" I hiss ears flat against my head tail puffed up in anger it swishing violently

He sits up and I hear a small sound of flesh tearing.

"I was h-here first so pi-pipe down. I should be asking you the same question." he says glaring at me.

I blush and look away nervous why was I feeling flustered I hate this guy..... Do I really? He seems nice enough maybe I just hurt him because he also like Masky or some weird shit like that. My heart pangs at the memory of how he looked at me when I tried to comfort him in his room after what happened in the closet. Wait no he doesn't like Masky he said it himself he likes Ben you idiot. Why do I not like that I couldn't possibly like him I Love Drake still..... I should move on though Drake would never love me and probably thinks I'm dead anyways.

"Who-Who's Dr-Drake?" he asks tilting his head left a cute habit he has when he's curious. I jump slightly and feel tears prick my eyes a little bit.

"No one" I say softly playing with the hem of my over sized t-shirt not wanting him to know the pain I'm in. My ears fall flat against my head in sadness. He tilts his head to the right now intuitively.

"It one of your friends?" he asks softly after getting up to sit in front of me on the floor. I sigh nodding looking away from him but hear another strange noise coming from him like stitches tearing. I look at him and see blood dripping down his side.

"Does that hurt?" I ask curiously crawling closer to him curiously and trying not to lose my mind to blood lust and going a bit crazy. He shakes his head no. and lifts his arm where the torn stitches are.

"I-I'll go get EJ that looks really bad" I say frantically getting up but fall into his lap awkwardly on my side elbowing his inner thigh. "ugh stupid leg" I groan and try to get up again but what does Toby do he yanks me back down beside him hard.

"what'd you do that for?!" I shout and hit him hard. He again doesn't even flinch.

"You're going to hurt your ankle more idiot" he says crossing his arms impatiently. I roll my eyes

"what do you know...." I says looking away pouting. he shrugs and then starts to play with something but I couldn't tell what it was but in all truth I didn't care as long as he left me alone. He isn't too bad though. WHAT NO YOU CAN'T FALL FOR HIM YOU LOVE DRAKE AND ONLY HIM..... he does look a lot like him though.... YOU CAN'T DATE HIM JUST CAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE THE PERSON YOU LIKE THAT WOULDN'T BE FAIR TO HIM.... 

I sigh sadly and start to cry why does he look like Drake. He all of a suddenly hugs me from behind me.
"what the hell are you doing?!" I shout and try to shove him away he was way too strong though.

"trying to comfort you relax." He says softly in my ear causing them to twitch rapidly making him giggle softly. I feel a thick liquid dripping onto my arm.

"ahh you're getting blood on me!!!!!" I say and squirm desperately. I sigh and give up leaning back against him. Toby is exhausting no wonder Masky gets annoyed with him. He begins to pet me and scratch behind my ears and I'm too tired to protest now anyways. I purr loudly.

"You're so cute" he says softly. I elbow him in the stomach.

"Don't call me cute I'm not.... And why do you not flinch when I hit you it's weird" I says harshly looking at the door. I'd die of embarrassment if any other pasta or heaven forbid another proxy came in and see me like this they'll think I'm week and soft.

"I can't feel pain" he says simply and takes off his lower face mask and I gasp one he looks ten times hotter wait not he he doesn't look attractive remember who you love. He has a huge gash in one side of his mouth. I want to touch it now but I'm not even gonna ask because well curiosity killed the cat and I dont' wanna die.

"You tired?" He asks me. I shake my head no.

"I don't sleep that often I don't need much sleep." I explain. I jump and yelp as the door begins to open and it's none other than Ben I quickly crawl away from Toby. I DO NOT want to make Toby hate me cause Ben won't give him a chance because he thinks Toby likes me now that is the last thing I need is someone having a crush on me or messing up a guys relationships with both friends and love interests. "How you doing Toby?" He asks

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