don't wake me up

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slight smut warning
Ash's pov

I sigh contently laying in the grass outside the mansion for some reason. I don't know why but I didn't care, why? I was lost in thought thinking about what could've been with my best friend Drake. I then hear feet padding towards me and see Toby fall onto the grass beside me on his side I roll my eyes annoyed as he pokes me.

"what do you want Tooooby," I say elongating the O in Toby's name in exasperation. I hope we can become close friends, in all honesty, he's kinda cute and very sweet. A very loyal and caring friend to Hoodie. He can be annoying sometimes though but probably tolerable depends on his and my mood though. I then notice he's poking me. Since I wasn't responding apparently. 

"Huh?" I whispered blushing slightly since he was closer to my face now.

"Do you think I'm cute like Drake?" He asks bluntly saying. My eyes widen and I push his chest but I just slide backward instead of moving him away from me.

"what the hell makes you think that?" I say glaring dangerously not wanting him to make fun of my slight feelings that were all developing even though I'm trying my hardest not to fall for him cause I'll probably get hurt again worse than what happened between me and Drake. I swallow hard hoping and praying he won't notice.

"cause you you say it in your sleep a lot and don't move away from me please you're warm and soft...." he says a faint blush dusting his cheeks beautifully. I freeze shyly like a deer in the headlights.

"uh yeah" I yelp loudly as he rolls on top of me. "what are you- Get off!!!!" I say pushing on his chest trying to push him off but it does nothing.

"Good cause I've been wanting to do this" He purrs and smashes my lips against his. I gasp loudly and tense up a ton. He pulls away a few seconds later He sat on my thighs as he's shying away.

"I'm sorry you just think I'm cute and don't like me like that..." he whimpers like a hurt puppy. I swallow nervously and pull him on top of me more laying back on the grass and I pull him in for a kiss. I whimpered and he pushed his tongue into my mouth roughly. My tail wraps around his waist and he starts to rub it ripping a loud moan escape my lips but it was muffled. Toby pulls away startled.

"I'm sorry!!" I say loudly and push him off and run into the mansion and make a mad dash for my room. I heard faint whispers.

"Ben wake up its okay wake up it's just a dream," Toby says repeatedly shaking me. I blush dark it was just a dream.

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