I missed you

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Jake's P.O.V

I sigh sadly. I'm finally healed all the way. I don't know why but no matter how hard I try I just can't get Drake out of my head. Maybe I should go see him or something. That might help hopefully. I roll out of my nest on my bed it was about 6 o clock at night. I grab my phone and look at my screen debating whether or not I should contact him or not. I need him so I'm gonna see if we can meet up tonight

'Hey Drake it's me, Jake' I text and quickly send it before I can back out. I yelp loudly as my phone almost instantly vibrates in my hands. I swallow hard as my finger hovers over the message bubble. I press the red button to open the message. I feel myself smile an effect he's always had on me even over the phone.

'Jake oh god where are you I've missed you so much!!!!!!' I laugh softly excitable still. God, I love him so much still I don't know if I can handle seeing him again. I sigh as I begin to type my response.

'hey wanna meet tonight?' I do my process of quickly replying before I can chicken out.

'YES, Usual park?' He asks.

'Yeah sure. How's ten work for you?' I smile and look at the time it was already seven o'clock now

'Yeah, that works for me' He responds I flop backward from my sitting position breathing a sigh of relief. OH god, what am I gonna wear!!! I felt my heartbeat quickening with nerves. I sit up quickly. I dash over to my closet and choose a skin-tight top that's pure black along with crimson skinny jeans. I brush my hair slowly taking my time since this helps me relax I felt my nerves going away and stop brushing and fix my hair into a ponytail. I look at the clock to see how much time has gone by since I first starting mentally and physically prepared myself. It's only been an hour. I felt my nerves making me shake. I swallow hard and pace in my room starting to think of all the ways things could go wrong. He's probably already with Jenna she's so much better looking than you.

"maybe he is but we can still be friends right?" I say my voice cracking. I'm gonna cry.

Sure you've loved him for too long though he'll see right through you and think you're disgusting

"He didn't care when I came out of the closet though. He would never do anything to hurt me... Would he?" I say softly with a whimper my ears falling to the sides of my head in sadness. I felt tears starting to prick my eyes about to fall to the soft carpeting. I quickly wipe them away. I jump hearing footsteps in the hallway.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear Toby ask. He's standing in the doorway leaning on its frame. He's been standing there for who knows how long. I swallow and straighten my outfit and hair to make it look like I was getting shaken up.

"No one..." I say softly ears going down in slight hostility I rarely allow my emotions to show but I can't seem to hold back around Toby. he seems genuinely sweet but I still don't know how I feel I'm starting to develop feelings for him too that I'm trying my hardest to fight them off but this boy is appealing sweet and very kind to me. I swallow and look at the time and see I should head out. "shit sorry Toby I've gotta go!"

I start to run outside into the forest that I've been coming more and more familiar with I love it. I feel like I belong. I stay in the forest to get to the park that's at just the edge of the forest. I peek out from the bushes to see how many people are at the park and just like always it's abandoned and empty. I smile and walk out of the shadows and see him there in tattered jeans, a dark grey t-shirt, and a vibe sweater. I smile and get closer to him hoping I don't look scary.

"Jake?" He asks. I nod and smile at him as I pull my hood off so it is no longer covering my face. He smiles brightly and hugs me tight I nuzzle my face into his chest like I always do. I sigh contently I've never felt safe like this since that night with Toby. I look up at him slightly.

"I missed you too..." I whisper muffled a bit by the fabric of his shirt and jacket.

"Oh... You look so different now... You're even more handsome now." He says softly moving my bangs out of my eyes cause I looked down embarrassed trying to hide my blush. I felt his thumb brush over my lips as he made me tilt my head up a bit to look at him, and one hand shift up to my ears and give a gentle rub making me purr. Then he shocked me he kissed me softly barely for a few seconds but enough to make me shocked and freeze. But, for some odd reason, it didn't feel as good as I'd always thought it would. I pushed him away by the chest hard.

"What the hell!!!??" I yelp stepping backhands held close to my chest embarrassed.

"I was just I didn't umm" he was stuttering and bright red. I glared and leaped onto him and hit his chest.

"I love you, idiot!!! Don't fucking mess with my emotions you like Jenna" I screamed loudly hitting harder. He then flips our positions and I'm pinned under him. I squirm as he holds my wrists down.

"Let go you fucking bastard!!" I say trying to kick him but he sits on my thighs and I whimper scared now. I bare my teeth. "I'll bite you!".

"Pfft like I care I like it rough~" He growls deeply in my ear. I shiver involuntarily and whine.

"Stop messing around" I felt tears at the edges of my eyes maybe someone told him my feelings and this was all a prank. I gasp loudly as I feel him kissing me again. It still didn't feel right for some reason this is what I wanted. I wanted to date him normally not just be a fuck toy.

Toby's P.O.V

I watched as this boy was all over Jake it hurt me a lot he was just- he's fighting back!? I quickly dash out of the bushes and dig my hatchet into the boy on tops back. He chokes up blood and then falls limp on a crying Jake. I kick that boy aside and cradle Jake in my arms as he gently cries into my chest.

"Th-thank you Toby" He sobs and buries his face in my chest more. I blush glad I could save the boy I love.

"Who was that?" I accidentally growl someone was hurting my Jake. He looks at me and chokes up.

"Drake...." He cries more and I rub his back and suddenly he tenses up and does something surprising.

"Toby~" He moans. I blush dark and shift him into a different position in my lap so he can't feel my dick considering he was just about raped by his ex-best friend.

"Let's get you home," I say trying to get up but he doesn't let me he just clings to my shirt ripping it a bit. It's one of my favorite shirts , but it's okay he's much more important to me.

"What is it?" I ask

"I love you," He says softly looking away ears going down in embarrassment. I kiss him softly just a small peck, unlike Drake who was rougher.

"I love you too" I purr and lay back letting him cuddle me to relax before we go back home. He curls up in a ball and closed his eyes making my heart swell. Wait shit no that's also my dick he's fucking laying in the wrong spot. He purrs louder.

"Let's get home so I can help you with this~," He says smirking as he rubs between my legs making me gasp. I quickly put him on my back and start to dash home.

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