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chapter five:-

stella's pov:-

i'm sitting in my maths class, trying to pay attention, but it was so hard. i wanted to sleep.

stay up, stella. you only have 10 minutes left. and then you could meet gabi and emily for lunch.

"ms. andrews?" i heard someone calling my name.

"yes?" i looked at my maths teacher, mrs. jones, who's now glaring at me.

"can you solve this?" she pointed at the question written on the board.

i stared at it, trying to think of something, but i couldn't. it was so hard.

"i can't, i'm sorry." i apologised.

she glared at me and made me sit down. i get good grades at every subject except maths. it was just so hard and i couldn't even focus in class because of how boring it is.

the bell ringing interrupted my thoughts. i quickly picked up my bag and my books and started to walk away, but mrs. jones called me.

"ms. andrews, may i have a word with you?"

i walked to her desk and looked at her, waiting for her to talk. when everyone left, she walked to the door, closed it and turned to me.

"you're failing my class," she said.

"i know," i sighed.

"you need to study harder, because if you fail this class, you won't be able to go to college."

"i'll try.." i answered, not knowing what else to say.

"i talked to caleb stewart, he's the best student in my class," she started. "he said he'd love to tutor you. you two can talk and he should help you, good luck."

"um, thank you mrs. jones," i stuttered.

i opened the door and started walking to the cafeteria.

i didn't like her idea. i didn't want caleb to tutor me. he looks creepy. and i even heard some rumours about him forcing girls to date him, kiss him, and even worse.

it might not be true, but it still creeps me out. i guess i'm gonna have to find out on my own if it's true or not.

i reached the cafeteria, looking around for gabi and emily. when i spotted them, i started walking to their table.

"hey guys," i greeted, sitting down next to gabi.

"where were you!?" emily yelled.

"be quiet." i glared at her. "mrs. jones was talking to me. about my grades."

"oh." emily stared at me. "i can help you if you want."

"she already talked to someone.." i said nervously.

"who?" gabi and emily asked at the same time.

"caleb stewart."

"WHAT!?" they yelled at the same time.


"please tell me you're kidding," gabi said.

"i'm not."

"didn't you hear the rumours?" emily asked.

"i did," i answered. "but what if they're not real?"

"what if they're real?" she answered back.

"let's just forget about this for now and eat our food."


i was in my last class, and i couldn't focus. again.

i couldn't stop thinking about what emily and gabi told me. it really scared me, but i shouldn't let it get to me.

when the bell rang, i picked up my stuff and i was the first one to leave the classroom.

the only thing i need right now is sleep. i had to sleep. i left the school and was about to walk to my house, but i heard a car honking. i looked next to me and saw michael in the car.

"get in," he said.

"you don't have to," i answered him.

he opened the door for me and waited for me to get in.

i sighed, getting into the car and closing the door.

"thank you." i smiled at him.

"anything for you." he smiled, holding my hand.

he is holding my hand! oh my god. oh god.

he was holding my hand the whole time, until we reached my house.

"i'll pick you up from school everyday, okay?" he looked at me.

"i don't want to annoy you," i answered worriedly.

"you're not annoying," he said. "seeing you makes me happy."

i blushed, i didn't know what to say.

"thank you.." i mumbled.

really? that's the only thing you could come up with?

"i'll text you later," he said, waving at me and driving away.

when i entered the house, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. i took it out and it was a twitter notification. a tweet from michael.

i clicked on it and a picture showed up. it was a picture of our hands intertwined, in his car, with a caption that made my heart do backflips.

"being with you makes me happy."


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