twenty two

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chapter twenty two:-

stella's pov:-

i placed two cups of iced coffee on the tray and slowly walked away, turning to ben.

"watch and film," i mouthed.

when he pulled out his phone and started recording, i walked back to jenna's table. as soon as i reached, i quickly pushed the iced coffee cup and it fell down all over jenna's hair and clothes.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" i acted like i'm nervous, trying so hard not to laugh.

"you... idiot!" she yelled. "i can't believe you did this!"

"i didn't, it just fell! on accident!" i yelled back.

her boyfriend stood up, pulling me by the collar of my shirt.

"what? didn't your mom teach you something about not hitting girls?" i raised an eyebrow.

"i don't really-"

"put her down," i heard ben's voice.

the guy pushed me away, causing me to fall to the ground and looked at ben. ben threw a punch at him, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"i'm warning you, if you ever go near stella again, i'm gonna murder you," he warned in a low, creepy voice which caused me to shiver.

"what? you already moved on?" the guy smirked.

"stella is so much better than jenna, at least she's loyal," ben answered.

ben pushed the guy away and turned to jenna.

"i don't want you or him here, get out." he pointed at them and then to the door.

"but ben! didn't you see what she did to me!?" jenna complained, pouting and looking at ben.

"i don't care, you deserve it. complain to your boyfriend about it, and not me." he rolled his eyes.

jenna stood up, pulling the guy's hand and walking out of the place.

"you okay?" ben turned to me.

"yeah yeah, i'm fine." i smiled. "thank you for helping me."

he helped me up and we walked to the restroom.

"here." he pulled off his shirt and handed it to me.

"woah, i can't," i answered. "what are you going to wear?"

"i'll just wear my shirt," he shrugged. "you've already caused a lot of trouble, and missed a lot of days, we don't want you getting fired."

i laughed, "you're right. now get out."

he smiled, leaving the restroom shirtless. i quickly took off my shirt and wore his. it was too big, but i guess it'll do. i noticed ben was taking the customers' orders, wearing his black shirt, so i stayed in the kitchen waiting for him to get the orders.


"someone's following you!"

"shut up michael, this isn't funny!"

"what if i'm being serious?"

"you're not serious."

you see, after getting my work done, gabi, emily and i went to get some ice cream. and michael decided to call me so i told them to leave without me and that i'd walk back home alone.

and now, he's been trying to scare me for ten minutes.

"fine, i'll just let you get kidnapped!" he folded his arms.

"sure." i rolled my eyes at him.

"don't roll your eyes at me!" he glared. or at least pretended to glare.

i rolled my eyes again, causing him to huff.

"one day, your eyes are gonna get stuck up there." he chuckled.

"why are you mean?" i pouted, bringing the camera closer to my face.

"no, my screen just broke!" he screamed.


i was about to swear, but he hung up. i laughed.

what an idiot.

soon, my phone vibrated, letting me know that i received a new message. i quickly opened it when i saw michael's name.

michael: i'm just kidding, you always look beautiful :* call me when you reach home.

blushing, i placed my phone in my back pocket and started walking back home quickly. when i reached, i entered, locking the door behind me. quickly changing into my pajamas, i jumped on my bed and facetimed michael.

we talked for an hour, until i fell asleep to his voice.


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