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a/n: this is a filler chapter. i have noooo idea what to write. in the next chapter, i'm gonna skip to stella's birthday :D

chapter seventeen:-

stella's pov:-

i waited for michael to call me, or text me. but i got nothing. he read my message one hour ago, and now, 11 pm, i was still waiting for a reply.

i tried keeping my eyes open, but i couldn't. i was too tired because i couldn't get some proper sleep for a whole week, so i finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

i woke up later to the sound of my phone ringing. i looked at the time and it read 4 am.

what the hell?

when i read michael's name, i answered the call, his face appearing on the screen. i placed my phone on my nightstand so the camera was facing the ceiling.

"what's up?" i answered, my voice sounding raspy.

"shit, i'm sorry for waking you up!" michael apologised. "i didn't realise it's 4 am over there!"

"it's okay," i said. "something wrong?"

"i just wanted to talk to you," he answered. "i'm so sorry for not answering your message, i was out with the guys. i didn't mean to ignore you!"

"it's okay mikey, stop apologising." i smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"i wanna see you!" he groaned.

"no, i look like trash."

"what do you mean? you always look beautiful."

blushing, i grabbed my phone and stared at the camera. i looked ugly as hell, but i still didn't cover the camera.

"you look cute!" he exclaimed.

"shut up." i smiled.

we talked for a few more minutes until he said he had to go.

"go back to sleep," he told me.

"i won't be able to go back to sleep!" i groaned.

"just try, you need to get more sleep!"


we said our goodbyes and i placed my phone back on the nightstand. closing my eyes, i tried to go to sleep again. it was hard, but i ended up falling asleep anyways.


"just tell me already!"

emily shook her head, walking faster.

"if i tell you, it won't be a surprise."

"i hate surprises!" i groaned.

"you're gonna love this one." she winked at me.

we continued walking silently for a few minutes, and i noticed gabi staring at me. she's been giving me creepy looks since yesterday, and to be honest, it made me so uncomfortable.

"why is gabi giving me creepy looks?" i whispered in emily's ear, making sure nobody heard me.

"just ignore her," she shrugged.

i decided to let it go.

"hey, wanna go out today?" emily smiled.

"em, it's not friday yet."

"i know, we can go to the mall or something, get some mcdonald's and study together!"

"okay, fine."

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