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chapter forty:-

stella's pov:-

we were all sitting on the floor while watching a movie in the living room. calum and gabi were cuddling, luke and emily were cuddling, michael and i were also cuddling, while ashton was trying to cuddle with michael and i.

"i need a girlfriend." he sighed.

"you'll get one soon, ash." i laughed. "watch the movie."

"i'm too sad."

"you can cuddle with mikey." i pushed myself away from michael and smiled at ashton.

"no, i wanna cuddle with you!" michael groaned, while pouting at me.

"later." i giggled.

ashton and michael cuddled and we continued watching the movie in silence. i slowly looked at everyone next to me, smiling at them.

this is what i wanted. all of us together, doing something that we all loved. i missed this. i missed being happy.


everyone was asleep except for me and michael. it was currently 2 am and we didn't feel like sleeping.

"follow me," he whispered in my ear.

he stood up and walked away, causing my head to bump on the floor.

"idiot," i muttered under my breath.

standing up, i followed him into the kitchen.

"what are you doing?" i asked him.

"pancakes." he grinned.

"now? at 2 am?" i laughed.

"yes, i really want nutella stuffed pancakes." he laughed with me. "do you want some?"

"sure, i love nutella." i giggled.

"so.." he started.

"what's up?"

"i wanted to take you on a date," he answered nervously.



i looked at him, feeling surprised.

"but why?"

"i want to make it up to you." he sighed. "i know i broke your heart, i made you really upset. and i want to make you happy again."

"i'm already happy, mikey." i smiled.

"i'm still taking you on a date." he said while flipping the pancakes.

"where?" i asked, feeling excited but trying my best to hide it.

"just wear your normal outfit." he placed a plate that had 3 pancakes in front of me.

we started eating silently. as soon as i took the first bite, i moaned because of the taste. it tasted amazing.

"chill." michael laughed.

"shut up, this tastes so good!"

we finished eating and placed the dishes in the sink. we let everyone sleep in the living room and headed to my bedroom.

"where are we going tomorrow?" i asked as i sat down on the bed and pulled the blanket to cover my body.

"it's a surprise," he answered. "let's go to sleep, we're gonna have to wake up early."



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