Im always on edge whether its from someone I trust or from some one I didn't know cared trying to put a knife in my back if i don't watch every side ivget hit and just sit there and cry but sometimes i just don't try I just cry I sit and let myself breakdown until it is better can't help to see the secrets that are flying around me if they are about me or not they still scare me I break down cause of this too my face shows when I break down my eyes get dull or they start to water just on the edges I've gotten better at hiding it if you you don't let them see they won't care cause why would you want them to care cause then you have 20 people going what's wrong when you just want some time alone and the people who care the people who have been by my side I try not to talk or even look at you cause if I talk to you I'm gonna yell out my problems the problems you couldn't bare if I stare or look at you I'm just gonna cry and you would see the innocent look in there I feel weak compared to the other boys in gym class they lift a while lot more then me so I feel tiny pathetic something I shouldn't feel when I'm trying to get stronger but I garentee I'm emotionally stronger
If you are asking why I don't tell people how I feel its because I did and honestly I told ever thing it never got out and was there forever but I honestly don't think you guys have the emotional strength to hold my problems and yours and I would hold yours and mine I miss this person so very much I miss the way I could be sad then happy in a few minutes when now it takes me hours I miss home and I would like to come home