Welcome to NASA

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Wake up dear." My butler and bodyguard , Vincent, said opening my curtains widely.

"Please Vince. Five more minutes and I'll love you forever." I groaned as I disappeared underneath the blankets. Thinking of a back up plan just as Vince pulled the blankets from over my head.

"Sorry Vistiana. I've already let you over sleep." He said lifting the blankets to an empty bed.

"Please!" I begged from up under the bed.

"No. Now go shower the car will be waiting around front when you are finished." He said forcefully as he drug me from under the bed.

"Fine!" I groaned as he left me laying by the door. Standing I tossed my long black, grey, and blue hair behind me.

Although Vincent may agitate me I still adore him. After losing my father at such a young age my aunt took me in after I bounced around a few foster homes. And after a year long battle my Aunt had won custody over me. I mean I'm nothing special. My uncle was the head scientist at NASA and my aunt was the head mistress of Oxford University. But I on the other hand have not accomplished any major feats. Aside from achieving my 3rd degree black belt in MMA and graduating from Oxford, with 'special recommendations'. But today I would begin my internship at NASA. Working alongside my fathers brother always proved to be a good time.

He would always reflect on childhood memories with me. Stories I wish I would have been able to hear from my father himself.

Although my life has seemed to take a turn for the better there is always that one quirk. The fact that my parents killer has not yet been found. That single thought could keep me tossing and turning for hours at night. But I had assembled a plan to take care of that loose thread.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and began to air dry my damp hair. Walking out of the bathroom with my eyes closed I stiffened when I heard my Aunt's voice.

"Took you long enough." My aunt chuckled from my bed as I came out. "Your uncle told me to make sure you wore something suitable for today. So no dresses and heels." She said matter of factly.

"Auntie Vera you know I don't wear dresses." I scoffed as I slid into a pair of black acid wash skinny jeans and a black cross bones 'I am the booty' tank top. Slipping my beanie on I flick my wavy-jagged bangs away smiling at her.

"I know." She laughed. "Honestly I just came to wish you good luck. So have fun today sweetie. And remind you to be careful." She said standing up and giving me a hug. It felt more like an attempt to break my ribs but nonetheless a hug.

"I will Auntie. And while I'm there I'll make sure to watch Uncle Phillips salt intake." I chuckled knowing what she would want to hear before she said it.

"Either you can read my mind or you're a ninja. All the more reason we call you Cheshire." She laughed as she patted my back. "See you later love." She said as she let me go and walked out of the door.

After I applied some light eyeliner and grabbed my converses, and my back pack with my hoodie and my laptop I left my room as well. Leaping over the staircase banister instead of taking the actual stairs. Knowing fully how much my family hated it but doing it anyway. Landing I rolled and stopped in a crouch. I would never be able to tell my Sensai just how grateful I was for his teachings. If it weren't for him that jump would have ended very differently.

"You know we hate it yet you continue to do it." Vincent muttered as he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me behind him and out of the door.

"Vincent you know how I love a good adrenaline rush!" I groaned as he tossed me into the back seat of the limo.

"I'm assuming you were jumping from the banister again?" My Uncle Phillip asked as I settled myself into the back seat.

"Of course sir. At least that was all for this morning." Vince said as he bowed slightly before my Uncle.

"Good morning Uncle." I said smiling largely at him. "I am very excited for today. Thank you so much for recommending me for this internship." I told him as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Of course. I could think of no one better. A dedicated young woman who graduated with honors and at the top of her class in Oxford. The committee couldn't send the letter fast enough." My Uncle chuckled as we rode along the interstate.

After a few more moments of silence I began to scroll through my phone. Reading updates on Facebook about friends, family, and upcoming movies. I saw the date for the release of Avengers 2: Age of Ultron and did an excited wiggle.

Feeling the car stop I put my phone away and looked over as the car door open.

"We have arrived." Vincent said as he held the door for us. Feeling my palms sweat as my Uncle climbed out I wiped them on my pants and grabbed my Uncles outstretched hand.

"Cheshire. Welcome to NASA."

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