The Spider and the Hawk

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"That was completely reckless! What were you thinking?" Steve shouted after we finished loading Bruce into the cargo hold. Steve had told me we needed to talk. Tony came prancing along making fun of me until Steve locked him out of the cockpit.

"I'm sorry. This whole team work thing is new to me. I'm an adrenaline junkie with complete and utter tunnel vision. I'm sorry if I worried you." I said dropping my head. Feeling arms wrap around me I look up in shock.

"I wasn't so much worried more so as terrified. I'm just glad you survived that. You can explain how later. But for now let's get Bruce back to the Helicarrier." Steve said he looked down into my grey and blue eyes and released me from his hug.

"Absolutely."I said lowering my eyelashes as he blinked and turned back to the window.

"Base to Blackbird 3. Report your progress." I hear director Furys voice over the head set.

"Blackbird 3 to Base. Mission accomplished, in transit back to Base." I replied happily as I glanced over at Steve.

"Confirmed runway will be prepared for landing." He replied, smile obvious in his statement.

"So you do know how to co-pilot? I just thought you came up here to sit with me." Steve chuckled as I took off my head phones.

"It may have been a tad bit of both. But who's to know. Besides this is one of things I went back to college for." I shrugged with my grin. Why be called Cheshire if I hadn't earned it.

"What do you mean 'back to college'? You look like you just got out?" Steve asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have a higher intellect then most. But I'm not one to brag. This is fourth time graduating from Oxford." I shrug as I keep an eye out for the helicarrier.

"What were your majors?" He asks me seeming extremely interested.

"First time around I went with neuroscience. Secondly I went with Aeronautical sciences then Biology and Engineering. After last year I got bored and just went and got all my licenses." I continue as I spot the Helicarrier. Pouting slightly when I realize our time is almost over. When we get back I'll be locked away in the lab.

"Usually people take four years to graduate with one major. To me it sounds like you've had a major a year. That's amazing, your parents must be proud." Steve said with a chuckle. Feeling my chest tighten and my fists clench.

"My parents were killed when I was six. I was pretty much raised by my aunt and uncle." I sigh, relaxing my body.

"Cheshire. I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Steve said hurriedly as we began to come to a stop on the runway.

"It's okay Steve. You couldn't have known. Besides it hardly bothers me anymore. To talk about it." I smile softly at him as we both unbuckle our belts and stand. Before I can move for the door Steve already has me wrapped in his arms. After a second of shock I return the hug.

"You two! Fury says to come on out of there. Or I could make an excuse if you need one." I hear Tony suggest from the other side of the door.

"Is he always like this?" I chuckle as Steve steps back, releasing me from his warm embrace.

"Sadly yes." He sighs moving over to the door. Unlocking it, he holds it open for me.

"Thank you. And Steve, Cheshire is a nickname I don't mind if you call me Vistiana." I say as I see Tony give us a funny look.

"That's a really pretty name." Steve says as we reach the door to the hangar.

"Thank you." I say as I turn and smile at Steve only to turn around and be met by the barrel of a gun.

"Widow! What are you doing!" I hear Tony and Steve shout before I move and knock the gun from her hands.

"Who are you?" I hear another guy ask from behind me. I turn and am met with yet another weapon. A bow and arrow.

"The heck!"

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