Uncle Fury

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"Weapons down! Both of you!" I heard Fury say as he jogged over to me. "She's with us." He said pushing me behind him. Grateful beyond belief I grab Director Fury's hand and give it a squeeze.

"Thank you." I whisper. He gives me a small smile before turning back to the other two people with a deep frown.

"Sorry Fury. You told us to look out for anyone suspicious. And we've never seen her around. We were just following orders sir." The guy with the bow said as he brought it down. The woman also putting her guns away making me shiver with dislike.

"Sorry." I tell the woman as I pick up her first gun from the ground. Holding it out with my index finger and thumb I grimace at the weapon. Nodding her head she accepts it.

"Come on. Doctor Banner should be awake by now." Fury says releasing my hand and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you again Director Fury. Things would have gotten ugly if you hadn't showed up." I say as he leads everyone back to the jet.

"It is part of my job. And my duty is to protect you until your home safely. And until then if anyone asks, you are my god daughter." He says giving me a pat on the back before he walks onto the jet.

"I'm intrigued by your reactions to guns." I hear the woman ask me as I stand by the quinjet. "My apologies. My name is Natasha Romanoff." She said reaching out for a handshake.

"Vistiana but I prefer Cheshire. I absolutely abhor guns. They were the murder weapon of both of my parents." I say quietly as I shake my head. Trying to remove the momentarily blinding rage.

"If you think about it. Everyone has a reason to hate guns, but they don't let that become a weakness. They are strong enough to move on from that rage and hate. And to me you seem like a very strong person. So let me know if you would like to face your anger and we can train together sometime." Natasha said patting my back and giving me a side hug.

"Thank you Natasha." I sigh hugging her back.

"He should most definitely be awake by now." I hear Tony groan from ahead of me.

"Excuse me." I nod to Natasha as I squeeze through the crowd. "What's going on?" I ask as I see Bruce still in the form of the hulk.

"He should have been awake by now." Tony says about to poke him. Noticing the electricity around his hand I stop him.

"Tony don't you touch him. And turn that glove off. He does not need a rude awakening in this form." I order as I grab Bruce's large wrist and take his pulse. "His pulse is still strong. Director Fury do you think you can find some of your men to carry him down to the lab?" I ask Fury, with a nod he turns and begins to shout orders into a walkie talkie. "Tony I need the nearest lab." I tell him as he begins securing everything on his person.

"Down the stairs, hang a left. Down that hall six doors and there's your lab." He says with a grin.

"Good. Ready?" I ask him as I wrap an arm around his waist.

"Stark what are you doing?" The archer asks as he watches Tony curiously.

"Ready." He says giving the archer a smirk.

Pushing I immediately dashed to the door in a blur. Throwing open the door I leap over the railing onto the floor below and continuing my sprint down the hall. Stopping in front of the sixth door I put Tony down. Watching and catching him as his legs wobble and give. Dragging him into the room I sit him in a chair.

"How the heck did you do that!" He shouts as his stomach finally catches up with his body.

"I don't know. I just do. I start running it feels right, I go faster. Next thing I know, boom! Sonic speed." I shrug as I begin mixing chemicals.

"We've got your ward ma'am." One of the men in suits says as he enters the room with many others. All carrying a very unconscious Hulk.

"Thank you. My name is Vistiana but I prefer to be called Cheshire." I say setting down my mixture and shaking his hand.

"Phil Coulson. Nice to meet you." He says as the men sit Bruce down.

Following the other men they all leave. Leaving Tony, Bruce and I.

"Here goes everything." I sigh as I jab the needle into Bruce's thigh. His eyes pop open and a roar rips open the space.

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