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He shrugs with a weak grin. Scowling at him I run over to the contraption.

"Vistiana! Cheshire Cat come in!" A familiar voice says to me through the portal. Standing in front of it I see a man that resembles my Uncle Philip.

"Uncle Philip?" I ask as I watch him warily.

"Vistiana thank heavens you made it through. Now hurry jump through before the portal closes again!" He says standing shakely.

"Uncle Philip the portal won't close. But I can't cross over. It's only been two months time here. But in that dimensions it looks like its been ages." I say nervously as Steve steps behind me and I back into his chest.

"Chesh it's been twenty years since you walked through. Your Aunt passed away months ago and Vincent is ill." He says running his wrinkled hands through his now balding hair.

"Uncle Philip I can't. As much as it pains me to see you this way and to know that Aunt Vera and Vincent are...gone and leaving. But I'd be unhappy if I went back. I just wanted to let you know I lived. And I love you." I said feeling a piece of me shatter when I heard my Aunt Vera passed and that Vincent was on his death bed.

"I know my dear. It was a fools hope to think you'd return with your life half past gone. We all love you my dear sweet Cheshire cat. And want nothing but your happiness. But know that if you ever change your mind. There will be a home waiting for you. Have a good life my love." He said as he found a screw driver and drove it into a part of his portal. Waving goodbye I saw as a tear slide down his face.

"Vistiana?" I hear Steve say cautiously as I stand rigid in his arms. Slowly regaining my senses I feel as tears slide down my cheeks in rapid succession. My knees began to knock once realization took over. My Uncle is near death and I've decided to stay in a place I knew nothing of.

"Issy. Calm down, he knows you love him. And all he wanted was your happiness." He whispered in my ear as he hugged me close.

"Steve what am I going to do? I can't stay here and bum off of S.H.I.E.L.D. And I have no where else to go." I say as I turn to bury my face in his shirt.

"Fury would love to have you. You know that. And there is always my apartment." He says rubbing my back in circles.

"Or Stark Towers. " I hear Tony mutter as I wrap my arms around Steves neck.

"It'd be an absolute honor to stay with you Steve. But I have no money to put towards anything that I need." I say as I look into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Did you really just say that with me standing in the same room?" Tony shouts as he pulls my attention. "I'm hurt kitten. Plus you practically work at S.H.I.E.L.D. That's a job. You should be getting a check. Come on lets go harass Fury about it!" Tony says excitedly as Bruce chuckles and Steve shoots him a glare.

"Go and harass me about what?" Fury says as the doors slide open revealing my God-father.

"About this supposed check Tony says I'm supposed to have." I chuckle seeing him shoot Tony a glare as well.

"As a matter of fact. You do have a checking account. I've been depositing money and monitoring it since you arrived. I'll tell you more about it later. So it looks like you're staying Cat?" He asked as he walked further into the room.

"I am. I spoke with my Uncle. Who, by the way is twenty years older then the last time I saw him. He is fine with this." I beam at him as I intertwined Steves fingers with mine. Catching him as he gives Steve a look. Of course I don't know what it means exactly but from the looks of it. Nick Fury seems to want to protect me. Which is funny since I've known him for a little over two months.

"Wonderful. I'll have your things moved up to my floor. Unless you have other plans." He says raising an eyebrow.

"Um. ActualIy I planned on moving in with Steve. And if it weren't to much trouble perhaps working as an agent alongside Tasha and Clint." I said as I looked at him from under my eyelashes. Seeing him waver and then cave a grin stretched across my face.

"I don't see a problem with that. You'll have to go through some training though." He sighed immediately resembling his strong façade.

"It could be worse." I say happily as I skip over to him and squeeze him firmly. Over these past few months I've come to see Fury as an Uncle. Patting my back I release him and let him leave the room.

"He has emotions." Tony said in awe as he watched Fury leave.

"Dude if you decide to marry her he probably won't give you his blessing." I hear Clints voice from above us. Looking up I see him sitting on a beam.

"Be quiet Hawkeye." I say sticking my tongue out at him. Looking over to Steve I see he's almost completely red with embarrassment. "Don't listen to him. Fury will give you his blessing if you do decide to propose. And if not I'll just mope around and lay around the helicarrier until he does." I chuckle giving him a side hug when I walk back over.

"Your embarrassing the poor man guys." Natasha says as she walks into the room. "Come on Kitty time to start training." She says as she leans on the counter in her body suit.

"So soon! Okay then." I shrug. Standing on my tip toes I kiss Steves cheek. "See you later." Following behind Nat she slows down to match my pace.

"We both know you don't need any training. So how about a speed test. Super human to metahuman catch me if you can."

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