Code White

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"Fury. Who is this?" A familiar voice asked as we entered the lab.

"Cheshire this is one of our leading scientist on all things gamma and radioactive. Bruce this is a new friend she just came through that doggy door I was telling you about. She will be helping you figure out how to reopen it." Director Fury said before he walked back out of the door.

"It's nice to meet you Cheshire. Birth name or nickname?" He asked reaching out to shake my hand.

"Nickname. My birth name is Vistiana." I tell him as I shake his hand.

"Why Cheshire?" He asked me as he walked back over to one of the tables.

"Honestly. It's because of the Cheshire Cat. From Alice in Wonderland. He and I have a lot in common." I chuckle as I follow behind him.

"The party can start now. I've arrived." A voice said from behind me as I sit across from Bruce. Looking back over I see another familiar face. With short dark hair and sun glasses. Dressed in an ACDC shirt and dark blue jeans. Quite clean compared to Bruce's wildly tousled brown hair and deep brown eyes. And dressed in loose rotting jeans and a casual button up shirt.

"And who might you be?" He asks, lowering his glasses to look at me.

"Good afternoon Tony. This is Cheshire, the girl Fury was telling us about earlier. She came through that doggy door." Bruce informed Tony as I looked around the lab.

For those that are unfamiliar with the scientific world the term doggy door is a doorway that allows for easy access back and forth. Similar to a regular doorway but it is smaller and sometimes appears out of nowhere and then vanishes.

"So 'Cheshire' how old are you?" Tony asks sitting next to me.

"I am 26. And it is nice to meet you Mr. Stark." I say as I continue looking over all of the chemicals they have on show.

"The pleasures all mine. Now how did you possibly get yourself into this predicament." He asked as he followed slowly and leisurely behind me.

"Today was my first day working at NASA. They offered to let me participate in a small experiment they were doing. Nothing too major, just a transdimensional doorway. They were having issues on beginning so I gave them a set of coordinates. That just so happened to lead here. Being the adrenaline junky I am, I took the first leap." I explained with a shrug.

"I'm having a hard time seeing you as an adrenaline junky. " He chuckled flipping a lock of my long raven black hair.

"Don't believe everything you see. Just because I am petite and smart doesn't make me anything less of a daredevil." I scoff as I continue to assess the chemicals.

What could have gone wrong. Was the gate unstable? Were my coordinates off? I argued back and forth in my head.

"We need everyone on the bridge! Repeat everyone to bridge! Code White! This is not a drill!" Director Furys voice called over the intercom.

"Come on!" Tony said pulling me along behind him as Bruce trailed behind me.

"What's going on?" I asked as I grabbed Bruce's hand and ran along side Tony. Keeping my pace easily.

"Under attack!" Bruce puffed.

"Oh." I said simply. Grasping onto both of their hands I shot forward on my feet barely letting our feet hit the ground before the other foot was ahead. Reaching what I assume was the bridge I slowed to a stop. Both men looking at me breathlessly.

"You're pretty fast." Tony huffed as I smoothed my clothes down. Letting them regain their breath.

"They're trying to take out the engines. I need teams on each and a team at the rear and up here on the bridge. Everyone else up to the deck." He ordered letting everyone split and run towards they're areas. "You two, I want on the top deck. Cheshire I want you to go take cover." He said turning to walk away.

"I will not! I'm going top side whether you want me to or not." I said shocked that he would expect me to run and hide. The girl that leapt through an unstable portal with a sweater and a breather.

"Fine but I will not be held responsible for your injuries." He said turning back to me as his mouth twitched up before running off.

"Not even a whole day and you're already talking back." Tony laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"We've got our orders." I said as I began to run towards the stairs.

"We'll meet you up there." Bruce called as I turned on a step. Nodding I continued up.

Throwing open a door I reveal the battle grounds.

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