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"Get down!" I hear Tony shout as he dives to the floor. Ignoring him, I watch as Bruce thrashs on the table. Seeing his skin turning back to its original pale color I sigh in relief. Until I feel him grab my wrist.

"Bruce. Calm down. It's going to be okay." I say calmly as his grip loosens.

"Vistiana." He says his voice rough and confused. "Thank you." He says as he passes out on the table. Checking his pulse again it is still a little rapid but calming.

"Did he just... speak?" Tony asks rising from the floor.

"Yes. Just because he changed doesn't mean his motor skills are inoperative." I tell him as I roll my eyes. "I'm going to find Director Fury." I tell him with a yawn as I stand from my chair.

"What are you to him. He looks at you with... I don't know what to call it. Care, or affection maybe?" He suggests watching me as I stretch.

"I am his God-Daughter. He is very dear to my heart. Good night Tony." I say again before retracing my steps from earlier. Taking myself back to the top deck.

Opening the door and walking out. I see the moon directly before me craters and all. Walking to where Bruce had leapt off and where a large break in the railing is I sit and hang my legs over. Feeling the  rapidly blowing wind wrap around me I relax completely and let the wind caress me. Usually my Aunt would be sitting out on my roofs landing singing songs with me and braiding my hair. The songs she sang to me were, she said, siren serinades. They admittedly have a sort of haunting melody.

Sitting on the edge of a massive flying building I hummed a few bars to one of the songs I remembered.

"You have a beautiful voice." I heard a voice say from behind me. "And a attraction to danger." He chuckled.

"Believe it or not. I've been told that before." I sighed continuing to swing my legs.

"You mind if I sit?" He asked as I heard something clink on the ground behind me.

"Free country." I shrugged continuing to watch the moons slow and subtle progress.

"My name is Clint Barton or Hawkeye. And you?" He said sitting right beside me.

"Vistiana or Cheshire. You are the archer aren't you?" I asked glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah. And sorry about earlier. On this job sometimes you can get a little jumpy." He chuckles as he takes an arrow and fiddles around with it.

"It was no problem really. Misunderstandings happen." I sigh as I see a bat flap by on a wind current.

"I wish it hadn't though. So where are you from?" He asks as he continues to play with the arrow.

"Another dimension." I say with ease as I close my eyes.

"W-What do you mean another dimension!" He nearly shouts.

"Exactly that. Another dimension. Where you all don't exist. " I say with a firm nod of my head. "And where soon I might not either." I sigh as I stand to my feet swiftly.

"What do you mean?" He asks curiously as he follows me up.

"I don't know how alterations in the space time continuum work completely. If I removed myself from one dimension am I recreated to fill that hole. But what happens to the me of now." I ask nervously as I pace around him.

"Most scientist say the original gets destroyed."

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