Battle Cry

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Immediately diving into the fight I leap and slam my elbow on the top of some ones head. Picking my next target after not seeing a S.H.I.E.L.D. insignia on their suit.

Turning I punch another in the head. Taking another by the shoulders I head butt him and kick him into a couple of others from the opposing side. Jumping onto one persons back I wrap my thighs around his head and throw all my weight back. Slamming his back into the ground as I leap off and kick another in the face.




After suiting up I reach the top deck. Seeing everyone fighting I dive in, literally, blasting with my repulsers.

Coming back over the crowd my eyes spot someone moving like water through the crowd. Taking out zodiac soldiers quickly. As the person flips onto a soldiers back I see the grinning face of Cheshire. Oddly resembling the exact grin off the Cheshire cat.

Chuckling I continue to fight before seeing a star spangled guy run over to me. Taking out zodiac soldiers before they have time to jump on me.

"Thanks Capsicle. Have you seen the spider or the hawk?" I asked him as I continue to blast people.

"No I haven't. Heard they were on a separate mission." He grunted as he knocked another of the men unconscious.

"Tony, watch out!" I hear Cheshire shout as she comes from my left kicking a man in the chest sending him flying backwards before hitting the ground.

"Nice kick." Capsicle said as he jogged over finishing off the last man.

"Thanks. I don't believe we've met, unless Bruce is under there." She chuckled sticking her hand out for a handshake.

"Nope, sorry." Steve chuckled pulling back his mask. "Steve Rogers." He said taking her hand.

"Now that we are all acquainted we should probably---go find Bruce." I began before I saw a blurry green dot jump of the edge of the helicarrier yelling and shouting in his hulky way. "Nevermind." I say as he vanishes.

"Was that Bruce!" Cheshire asked turning and darting over to the edge of the helicarrier.

"Careful!" Steve shouted as he caught up with her. Wrapping an arm around her waist.

"That isn't Doctor Banner really. That my friend is the Hulk. Über powerful rage monster." I sigh as I begin to monitor tv stations for news on our big green friend.

"You three in the jet. We've got to find him if she has any chance of getting home. Nice to see you unharmed and alive." Fury said to Chesh as Capsicle let her go. Arching his eyebrow he turned on his heel and walked off. "Find him and bring him back." He called again as we all turned to one another.

Glancing over at Steve I noticed his face had a pinkish glow. Chuckling I walk over to a unoccupied jet.

"Come on you two. You heard cap'n eyepatch. We've got to go find him moby hulk." I chuckled cracking myself up as Steve walked by me rolling his eyes.

"Tony are you high or maybe drunk?" She asked grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a seat. Checking my pulse and eyes she couldn't find anything and went up to co-pilot with Steve.

I don't get drunk anymore just a slight buzz actually.

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