Kings of the school

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      As I woke up, I glanced towards the wall clock that hung infront of my bed.
"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!"
I quickly got off my bed, wore school uniform and rushed towards the bus stop. I bought milk on my way there and drank it while sitting in the bus, as it drove towards school.

Soon, I was standing in front of the entrance gate of my school.

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My school is known throughout Korea as the most prestigious school. Only the country's top 5% rich kids come here.

Most of the students are actually a pain in the ass. The money they have has completely spoilt them.
      The top 5% spoilt brats they are!!

      As for me
My name is Minji......Kim Minji. I'm almost 18 y/o. Actually, I'm not even close to being rich. My parents passed away in a car accident when I was only 5.
Since then I've been looked after by my wealthy aunt.
She has always treated me like her own daughter. Last year she moved to America due to some business issues and since then, I've been all alone in Korea.
It is only due to her connections, that I got admitted in this school.
I don't like it here. All the kids are from the so called "High Society" and I don't seem to fit in. But since Anu (she calls her aunt "Anu") wants me to study here, I have to. I don't get close to people especially with guys because I want to graduate as a normal me without any troubles.

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Someone pinched me.
I turned back around to look who it was. Standing behind me was Esra; my best friend.
She has been with me for as long as I can remember. She lively and enthusiastic and will make you smile even in the toughest time. She's the only person I have who knows me inside out.
I sure am glad to have her!

Esra waved her hand Infront of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What in the world are you thinking?"

"Um... Nothing" I replied with a smile.

"Now miss Minji. If you don't mind let's hurry to the classroom. We are pretty late."

With her saying that, we hurried towards the room.
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We hurriedly got to the classroom. To our surprise the homeroom teacher hadn't arrived yet.
I think god's on our side today. That teacher can be creepy when he's angry.
I placed my belongings on the desk while sitting down and calming myself after all the running we did.

Soon Mr. Choi arrived and we started with the work.
20 minutes later
" as I was saying, you kids need to work hard for the mid-term exams. I don't want an- - -"
As Mr. Choi was speaking he was interrupted by a loud smack on the room's door as it went wide open.

Six tall figures came in, all having wide flirty smirks as usual on their faces
As soon as they entered, all girls started the 'fangirling' thing which annoys me the most.
Oh wait. I didn't tell you who they are did I?
Well, I hate that I have to explain about these jerks but still....
These guys are known as the "Kings of the school". Despite being students, they are more of the bosses. There are probably no rules for them and they do whatever they want to.
The first one..... That has dark brown hair with gorgeous eyes. That's Kim Taehyung or better known as V. He's tall and handsome but he uses his appearance for his benefits. There are only three words that describe him and his actions : player, fucker and heartbreaker. As these words suggest all he does is flirt and date girls. The only reason he gets close to them is to get under their panties and when he's done with his business, he drops the girl and finds another to repeat the whole process.
He's the biggest Fuckboy asshole jerk there is!!!!!!

He's the biggest Fuckboy asshole jerk there is!!!!!!

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The second..... Is Jeon Jungkook. He's not even a bit less handsome then his friend V. Sadly he's also a badboy. He keeps girls mostly for one-time thingy. For him, we are more like toys then living beings

 For him, we are more like toys then living beings

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The other four are Namjoon, Hoseok,. Yoongi and Jin. I haven't heard anything about them being bad boys but since they are friends with two worst idiots.... They can't be good either.

They are all just assholes who think money can buy them everything. They are selfish, self centered, cheaters, fuckers, idiots and assholes. I really wanna beat them hard until they learn their lessons no to mess with girls but then again..... I don't want to cause any troubles for myself :-\
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"Why are you all late? Get out now!" Mr.Choi shouted

Taehyung, without taking any notice of the teacher's words, went and sat down on his seat.

"Wow! He's so charismatic." said one girl.
"A total prince" said the other.

Charismatic my foot. He's a total jerk and asshole!

"Didn't you hear me??? I said get out!!" Mr.choi's voice became angrier.

Just when he was going to burst out in anger, Jungkook spoke:
"You shouldn't be talking to us like that unless or until you wanna lose your job and get kicked out of this school"
Everyone in the class started laughing at his words to the teacher.

Anger built up inside me.
Who the heck does he think he is? I really wanna kill them all.
I felt like standing up and punching him in the face, when Mr.Choi spoke up:
"Ah! All of you, kindly take your seats so we can continue with the lesson"

Jungkook smirked and went to sit at his place followed by the others.

I watched Taehyung sitting on his seat relaxed as he's the purest angel there is..
You six!
Just wait! Just wait for that day when this pride becomes the reason of your destruction.

                                  I really hate you!

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Severely unedited so there's gonna be alot of mistakes.😭😭
This is my first fanfic
Tbh, my first ever book so plz give it lots of love
And of course
Feedback whether you like it or not💗💜

The first chapter was a bit boring but there's alot to comeee so stay tuned💞💞💞
Lots of love


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