
23 1 0

Minji p.o.v

By the time I and Esra finished our assignment, it was already nine.
My house was at a quite distance from Esra's so she insisted that her driver would drop me since it was getting late.
I had other plans.
The weather was really pleasant and I wanted to take a walk home while enjoying it.

After alot of persuasion, Esra finally agreed with me.

"Fine." She said. "But don't forget to call me when you reach your house."

Ok! That's the first thing I'll do when I get home. Take care Esra. See ya tomorrow."

I gave her a quick hug and walked out of the house.

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Now here I was, walking on the deserted streets all by myself.

The weather was indeed pleasant. The soft night breeze that collided with my legs sent a lovely sensation throughout my body.

But I was scared at the same time. As much as I was enjoying the weather, the deserted streets got unwanted thoughts running through my mind.

Soon, I passed through a yard surrounded by a metallic fence that was rather broken from different points.

Just then, my eyes caught something that sent shivers down my spine. Three men........ Drunk men to be exact were standing at a distance leaning against the wall. The middle one stared at me as if he was about to eat me inside out. And that's when I got the hint of trouble.
Without wasting even a second, I started walking as fast as possible. Just when I thought I escaped danger, I felt a hand around my wrist that pulled me back. The guy harshly pinned me against the wall and tightly held my hands above my head so I couldn't move.

"YOU JERK!! LET ME GO!!!!" I shouted on top of my lungs.

"Kitten, don't worry. I won't hurt you.............alot" He said while laughing wickedly.

I was about to shout again when the guy holding me, leaned in to kiss me. But no...... I wasn't letting this jerkass do that!

I kicked him where "the sun doesn't shine" with all my might making him fall on the ground and grasp out in pain. I ran like there was no tommorow but how was I to escape? It was 3 against 1.

This time the man's anger could be seen right throw his eyes.
"Bad move kitten." He whispered in my ear, throwing me towards the sharp pointed fence as if I was some you made up of rubber.
As I hit the fence, the sharp pointed edge pierced into my arm making me shout out in pain. Now, my white shirt was all torn while the left arm was heavily bleeding. I fell flat on the floor crying while tightly holding my bloody arm.

Once again, the guy pinned me against the cold metal fence but this time, I couldn't fight back anymore. My bleeding arm was already giving me enough pain and by now, all my energy was drained from crying.
The man sucked my neck while I cried out in pain. His hand went under my shirt and was making its move up when


I felt my hand being released from his grip. I opened my eyes to see all three men on the ground. I was trying to figure out what just happened when a tall figure, more of a teenage boy walked towards me. He grabbed my hand and signalled me to run.
We ran as fast as possible. I tried to steal glances to see who who this hero was but I couldn't since it was too dark. On the other hand, my arm was still bleeding and I can swear, I must have lost a litre of blood by now. The pain was getting unbearable.....

After running for some time, we stopped in front of a black car. The guy opened the door and signalled me to get in. Once I got in he entered too and sat right besides me.

I rolled up in a ball on the seat digging my head deeply into my knees and cried not caring what was happening around me.

"Mr. Let's go."
As soon as those words left his mouth, I look at the guy with shock.


That was the only word I could mumble at the moment.

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Sorry for late updates, I'm really busy with studies and school oooof


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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