The Bet

40 2 2

Taehyung p.o.v
By the time I got home, it was already 7pm. I was late because mom had called me over to the company headquarters for some discussion.
That business talk makes my head hurt.
I was about to head to my room when Anna called me.

"Young master Tae, You are home?"

"Yes I am! Can't you see?"

"Well the food is ready. It's on the table in the dining room. Please come and eat."

"I'm not hungry. Just throw it away or give it to the other maids."

I brushed her off and went upstairs to my room. After taking a shower, I texted Jungkook:

~Hey Kookie!


~Where are you?

Where could I be?~

~At the club?


~Grab a bottle of soju for me.
I'm coming


I wore a black leather jacket with jeans of the same colour.
My driver drove me all the way to the club.

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I reached the club in about 30 minutes.

I quickly found jungkook and the others sitting together

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I quickly found jungkook and the others sitting together.

"Hey everyone!"

"Hey Tae! Where in the world were you? You didn't hand out with us after school." Namjoon hyung questioned.

"Mom called me over to the company." I answered while taking my seat. "She had some things to discuss."

Kookie gave me my soju and began talking.
"Things about your marriage am I right?" He passed a smirk.

"Yeah!......No.. WAIT! WHAT?! MARRIAGE?!?!?!?!"

"Tae don't act like you are clueless. We all know that your mom wants you to be married with Hyejin"

"Now that Kookie mentioned it.... Yeah Tae! She especially talked to all of us about it."

"I SOOOOO DON'T WANNA GET MARRIED." I whinned. "Especially not with that witch Hyejin."

I lowered my head resting it on the table.
I don't want to be married. I still wanna play around. Though getting married won't stop me from dating girls but still, I'll be bound to a person. I don't want that!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

"Hey Tae?" Jungkook spoke

"Yeah?" I replied in a dull tone.

"I can help you."

I quickly lifted my head up while looking at a smiling Kookie.

"What?" I asked

"I said I can help you not get married"

"HOW???" I loudly asked jungkook.

"I'll persuade your mom. After all your mom loves me alot and she won't refuse me."

I forgot to mention this. Jungkook's relationship with my mom is more stable then my relationship with her. He's been with me since I was 4 and my mom actually loves him more then me. I kinda get jealous sometimes but I don't really mind.
He actually gets anything from my mom that he wants by just a little act. He's more then a son for her then I am.

"I almost forgot that. So I guess there's no need to worry. Jungkook! Just do your thing and tell her I don't need to get married now and I'm freeeeee!!"

"That ain't happening buddy."
Jungkook sipped his soju while I stared him in shock. Did he just tell me; his best friend that he won't help me escape a hell life???

"..........if I helped you straight away, it wouldn't be fun"

"Kookieee! You scared the hell out of me! I thought you turned me down for good. So what do you want? I'll do anything as long as I don't have to be married."

I waited for his answer but he didn't utter a word.
After a moment, he took a picture out of his pocket and threw it Infront of me on the table.

I picked it up to see who it was

It's Minji.... The book nerd of my class. Boy! She sure is beautiful. I tried flirting with her once but it didn't work.

"Hey???" Jungkook shouted. "I didn't give you the picture to state at it."

"Oh right. I was just thinking something. So what is it?"

"I've heard that this girl has never been touched before. Despite being in a school filled with rich handsome guys, she's never ever been in a relationship."

"So let me guess. You want me to date her?"

"Yeah but with some rules."

"Go on. I'm listening!"

"Ok. So your relationship with her is just gonna be a game. All you have to go is date her for a month and do whatever I want you to with her. And when one month ends, break up with her."

"And after I'm done with this little game, you are gonna help me right?"

"Yeah yeah! It's a solid deal!" Jungkook exclaimed

"This is gonna be easy pezzy" I muttered

"Don't get carried away Taehyung. That girl won't be an easy target."

"Don't worry man! She won't stand a chance against my beautiful charms."

"Well, good luck buddy!" Jungkook laughed. "It's gonna be so much fun seeing that attitude queen in pain."

"Hey! We are here too!!" Jin hyung shouted

"Really? It felt like only two of us were here.
Just kidding!!!" I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm so done with the serious talk. Let's just relax now!"

I shouted while holding my bottle high up.

After finishing my drink, I bid them all farewell and drove home.
                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I laid down comfortably on the bed while looking at Minji's picture that jk had given me.

"Kim Minji. I'm coming for you. Just wait."
                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hope you loved this...
This is where the real story begins.
And I'm gonna be updating on weekends...
Mostly on Fridays I guess💜💜💜

And lately some ppl have been asking me.
Where's jimin?
Now I can't forget my lil mochi can I?
Well.... He has a special character and that's why he's not gonna appear now😋😋😋


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