
20 1 0

Minji p.o.v

*The next day*

My day today has been surprisingly normal. Taehyung didn't show up to disturb me with his stupid self. I guess he already got the idea to leave me alone. He's a smart guy after all.

(Won't write about the whole day)

*After school*

As the day ended, I decided to go to Esra's home.
The reason?
The teacher assigned us as partners for a project. I really don't want to drag the work and get it over with so I'll just be going with Esra to finish it.
We were waiting for her car to arrive in front of the school gates when a black Lamborghini stopped in front of us.

This surely isn't Esra's car because she doesn't like fancy ones.

The back seat mirror slowly scrolled down and there he was..... The devil himself... KIM TAEHYUNG.

"Hi honey. Did you feel lonely?" He spoke.

Lonely my ass! I was doing perfect until you showed up!
"Taehyung! You better stop with those pet names if you don't wanna die!"

Just then, Esra hit my arm. "Can't you be polite and greet him? He's being so nice." Saying that she turned towards Taehyung. "Good afternoon Taehyung."

"Your friend's manners are way better then yours." He said hanging his head out of the car's window.

I seriously don't have the time to deal with him and his idiotic behaviour.

"You!" I shouted. "If you have something important to say, do that. If not, just fuck off."

"Now now! Don't be angry.
Come with me. We'll go watch a movie or something and I'll drop you home too."

I think he forgot I already rejected his offer yesterday.
"Thanks but..... No thanks. I have lots of homework to do and besides, I'm going to Esra's house." What! Why did I tell him that? Ah stupid me!
I'm sure Esra was gonna say something in taehyung's favour but I covered her mouth with my hand making sure she doesn't let a word out.

"Baby, forget the homework. I'll take you to my house, make you my homework and do you all night." He said smirking

I swear the good old lord that if Esra's car didn't arrive just now, there would be a dead body here with the name tag: Kim Taehyung.

"Keep the offer to yourself.
I have to go, JERK!"

Taehyung p.o.v

"..........I have to go, JERK!"
Saying that, she stepped into her friend's car and left.

Why do you seriously act so cold towards me?

Just then realization hit me.
Wow! Way to go Taehyung!
You had to drop the playboy image and act normal.

I created another obstacle for my own self.


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This wasn't really a chapter that you expected.
Its a kinda filler for the next chapter.
The next chapter is a whole bomb😂😂
Don't be surprised


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