A new plan

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*Lunch time*

My tummy is growling.
I took Esra and quickly went to the cafeteria. After buying the food, I sat down, lifted my chopsticks and dug in.

"Someone's really hungry today." Esra said resting her face between her palms Infront of me.

"Ofcourse!" I said with my mouth full. Then, after swallowing, I continued. "I am hella tired and since I'm tired I need energy and that energy comes from food."

"And why are you so tired? You only had three classes while I had all five!! I'm not tired though."

"Well.... You didn't get chased around by a crazy perverted jerk and you definitely weren't the one kicked out of class!"
As those words left my mouth, a wide rather teasing smirk appeared on her face.
Why does it look like she was waiting for me to say that😖

"Actually, why did you have to shout so loud? KIM TAEHYUNG! SHUT UP" Esra imitated me.

"I was extra pissed at the moment. He was being a total asshole calling me with his famous pet names and telling me things like replacing his ex and blah blah."

"Buhahaha" Esra broke out in laughter. "He said that!! This is interesting." She took a pause to catch her breath and spoke. "Honestly Minji, why don't you give that cute guy a chance?"

"Wait-Wait-Wait!!! Firstly let me correct you. HE IS NOT A CUTE GUY! NOT AT ALL!!
And secondly, give him a chance for what exactly?"

"We both clearly know he's interested in you. Soooo.... Just date him."

"You think it's that simple? He's a player and a big one Esra. He changes girlfriends like clothes and I don't wanna be one of his preys"

"Ok. He is a player no doubt. But they say even a player changes when he finds the right one. Maybe he really loves you."

"Esraaaa! He never ever said he loves me in the first place. And even if he does, which he surely doesn't, I don't care. I don't want a boyfriend like him. I ha- - - "

"You hate him.. Yeah yeah. I know" Esra shrugged. "Now hurry up and finish eating" She slightly poked my forehead.

"Aish this girl!" I playfully poked her back while joyfully smiling.

                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Taehyung p.o.v

I walked down the corridor searching for Kookie and the others with so many thoughts running through my mind at the same time.

Why doesn't that girl notice me?
When I said words like "sexy" and "baby" to other girls, it was always enough to get me under their panties.
But what's with this girl?
Doesn't she think I'm handsome?
Or is she playing hard to get?
Oh well,I better make her mine soon if I wanna escape that hell marriage.

I snapped out of my thoughts. I'm wasting my precious time thinking about that nerd.
Now, where can the hyungs be?
Oh right!.......... The roof.

                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

They were all at the roof, sitting on the edge forming a circle. I went in and sat between Yoongi and Hoseok hyung.

"Hey Tae." Hoseok hyung said smiling

"Hey......" I replied in a low voice.

"What's with the tone buddy? Namjoon hyung asked. "You okay?"

"I'm fi- - "

"How can he be okay after standing half an hour outside the class." Jungkook interrupted and laughed. "Especially with that monster."

"OOOOO. About that" Jin hyung leaned closer. "You've already started the hunt."

"But looks like she isn't falling for him." Yoongi hyung snapped. "Didn't you see the way she shouted at him."

They all laughed

"Arghhhhh!" I sighed. "Listen everyone. You know I don't ask girls out. They do it but since I'm setting Minji up I did. I thought I'll do the same I did with some special toys. I'd ask her out and she'd happily accept the invitation. After that I'll simply seduce her by kissing and things and she'd fall for being my girlfriend. But I was wrong. She didn't seem to be affected an inch! All she does is show me attitude and tell me to get out of the sight!!"

"Well......" Jungkook spoke. "Didn't I tell you before. She isn't like all the other girls you played with before. She won't be affected by you seducing or praising her."

"And why in the holy world do you know so much about her?" I questioned

"Umm.... I-I- " Jungkook's shuttering!!!
He didn't respond but then Namjoon hyung said it all.

"He cornered her at Luhan's birthday party but and tried to do 'things' but ended up being slapped by her. And so he did some research on the girl."

What??? Slap??" I couldn't help but laugh. "She slapped you. Hahaha."

"That's not the point Tae." Hoseok hyung said. "What we are telling you is better not piss her off unless you want a big red mark on your cheek."

I turned to look at Jungkook. That poor guy was all red in embarrassment.
It's not like he never got slapped before. But it's just hat the reason this time was different from all the other times. He has never ever gotten slapped trying to get a girl to bed. Infact, girls are always searching for chances to get him to fuck them.
But then
This girl......
Having the guts to ignore us
She really is something.

"Tae?" Jungkook called


"Since I really want to see that girl suffer, I'll give you a hint" Jungkook sat up straight and continued.

"Sometimes it's not strength but generosity and gentleness that cracks the hardest shells." Jungkook smirked

"THAT'S IT!" I quickly stood up in excitement. "THAT'S JUST IT!!!!!!"

"Hey brat! You almost gave me a heart attack popping up like that." Hoseok hyung complained.

"Sorry hyung." I said while slowly turning towards the door. "Anyways! THANKS KOOK! I gotta go now. See ya"

"Is anyone gonna explain to me about what just happened" Jin hyung asked in complete confusion.

"He's gotten the trick." Jungkook's smirk grew wider. "I bet he'll have her in his arms next time he comes here."
                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I walked down the roof  with lively steps as only one thought ran through my mind.

              "I just have to act kind and genuine."

                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

So how was it?
Taeee??? You better not hurt the girl😂😂
He got a new plann too😂😂
I hope you are enjoying 💗💗💗

Lots of love

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