Chasing her down

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".........that's all for today. Class dismissed" Mr. Choi said leaving the classroom.
I left the room walking towards my locker

"Ji!" Esra shouted


"So how did it go?"

"What do you mean how did it go??"

"Well! What did you talk about?"

"That asshole asked me out."

"OMG!!! He asked you out on a date!!" Esra said excitingly. "What did you say??"

"What else? I said I don't wanna go."

"What?????" Esra looked at me. "Minji. The most famous and handsome guy in the whole school asked you out and you turned him down???"

"You forgot that he's the biggest perverted playboy too." I added.

"But Minji. He i- - - "

"Esra. I have business class now." I cut her off before she could finish. "See you in a while."

I quickly took out my books from the locker and went to the class.

Oh wait. I didn't mention this before......
That jerkhyung sits next to me in business class.
And so
When I walked towards the desk, he was already there; sitting and smirking at me.

I quickly sat down on the chair next to him and faced the opposite direction waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Hey Sexy! He whispered in my ear.

"What did you call me?"

"I called you S-E-X-Y, sexy!"

"Say that one more time and I'll make sure you don't walk out of here in one piece."

I'm already in pieces because of your uncontrollably hot curves."

I realized my cheeks were burning because of anger.

"You are hotter when you are angry." *Smirk"

"KIM TAEHYUNG! YOU B- - -" He put his index finger on my lips not letting me finish what I was saying.

"You are turning me on with that anger but princess, anger's not good for health."
I quickly brushed his finger off of my mouth. Who knows how gross that finger is. Now it'll take all day to remove his germs from my lips. Ewww
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My head hurts.
After business class, it's math class now and this idiot has gotten me crazy. He bugged me during whole business class and even now he won't stop with his dirty jokes and perverted talk.

Esra usually sits next to me during this class but today, she switched seats with Taehyung to let him sit besides me.

She just doesn't know what a jerk he is!

"I hate math." I sighed

"Oh really? I'm actually a math genie." Taehyung spoke. "Let's add a bed, you and me, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, multiple t- - -"

I gave him the most deadly glare ever and Wow! He did shut up. I'm surprised

"Sorry" He said. "I heard you're good at algebra. But you can't solve these simple questions?"

I'm good at algebra dummy, and this isn't algebra!"

Oops! I forgot. Well can you solve an algebraic problem for me?"

"Yes?" Finally if he wants to talk about study, I don't mind.

"Can you replace my X and not ask Y?" *Big smirk*

"SHUT UP KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!" I shouted loudly.

I realized later that the whole class including the teacher were staring at us.

"Minji and Taehyung! Out of the class"Miss So Eun pointed at the door. "Now!"

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*Outside the class*

This is just great!
For the first time ever, I've gotten kicked out of class and it's all thanks to KIM TAEHYUNG!!

I glanced at my side to see him standing there as if nothing happened.

Speaking of Taehyung, he doesn't need to be here. In the past whenever he got punished he always ditched the punishment and went to hang with his friends. No one ever dared to say anything to him because his family owns this school....

"Hey!" I slightly pushed him. "Taehyung! Why are you standing here. Go hang out with your friends or something. It's just hectic standing here like this."

"Awww. Baby girl is worried that I might be tired." Said Taehyung. "Well.... If I leave, I won't be able to see that beautiful face of yours."

Oh Boy! Here he goes again.
Idk whether I should write this on a stone and throw at his face or beat him up myself while shouting it out but he should be smart enough to realize by now that I won't fall for his tricks.

"Baby" He spoke again. "Wanna hear a rhyme?"

"I guess I don't have any other choice."

"Roses are red,
Voilets are blue.
Lava is hot
But not hotter then you." *Wink*

"Wow! I'm deeply in love with you!" I rolled my eyes. (Note the sarcasm)

I turned away from him
Dear god. What did I do to make you hate me so much.......

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I personally loved this chapter.
When I was writing it, I was already in love with the chapter.
I'm just praising my own work lol 😂
Anyways, hope you loved it.
Keep supporting me

She's gonna be really hard to get.😏😏
Stay tuned
With lots of love💜💜


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