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         After five hectic periods of studying, it was break time. The whole drama in the morning got me extra pissed.
I didn't feel like eating anything but Esra dragged me all the way to the cafeteria.
"What do you want for lunch?" She asked

"A bottle of juice"

"Just that?"


"Ok ma'am" She smiled at me and went to get the things.

Meanwhile, I grabbed an empty table with two chairs and waited for her.
Being bored of waiting, I started kicking the table while looking here and there when my gaze caught something.... Or someone..

It was Taehyung sitting on a table two rows to the right from me.

And as usual
He had a girl embraced with his arm while her head rested on his chest.
They were randomly talking when suddenly Taehyung leaned in to kiss her.

Ew! So gross! This is a school not some club where they can make out in front of everyone!!!

He pulled away from the kiss and said something that sent silence throughout the cafeteria.

"Somi. Let's break up!"
The girl or Somi as he informed her, stood up in disbelief and shock.

"T-Tae, Y-You a-are joking right? Y-You don't really mean that, d-do you?"

"Somi! Don't make me repeat myself. I am breaking up with you!"

B-but why? W-why Tae???? Y-you said you won't ever leave me! YOU SAID YOU WON'T HURT ME!!!!" The girl said as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Yeah I did say that but actually I changed my plans. You are boring and no fun to be with so GOODBYE!"
Saying that he turned around and walked away with Jungkook and Yoongi.

The girl was in tears. Her eye-liner was all over her face. Instead of consoling her, everyone in the cafe started laughing.

"Awww. Looks like someone got dumped"

"Not just someone... The great Somi. How pathetic. Haha"

The comments made her cry even more.

Not being able to hold back anymore I stood up and shouted:
"Shut the fuck up everyone. If I hear one more word from those shitty mouths or yours, you'll be in the principal's office!" (Minji is part of student council)

Silence filled the cafe.
I walked towards Somi trying to be helpful but she ran away crying.

Even though she got dumped, I felt the hurt.
How could that guy be so heartless? He's been dating her for 3 weeks. How in the world can he hurt her so easily and walk away like nothing happened?!?
                                   Kim Taehyung! You jerk!

                          _ _ _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I was already at home. The whole day was pretty rough. I couldn't get all the drama out of my mind.
I took a shower and sat on the couch while drying my hair but my mind was occupied by the thoughts of "World's most heartless person
                                         Kim Taehyung"

                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A short chapter
Hope you liked it💗💗
Taehyung is gonna get his own p.o.v from next chapter!!

Kindly don't forget to give feedback
It means alot to me💜💜

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