Let the game, begin!

26 3 0

Minji p.o.v

"Aish! I feel tired."
I sighed as I walked clumsily towards the school.

Seriously Minji! Who told you to stay up late and watch movies. Now look at you.
But I and Esra sure had alot of fun.

Speaking of Esra?
Where is she?
Usually she waited for me at the school's entrance gate and we'd walk together to the class but she isn't here.

I explored the whole school in search of her but she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, when I was about to give up, I found her standing besides a tree laughing.......with.........a.............guy???????

Is she dating?? Is my bestie dating?

I swear if she dates behind my back I'll throw her.... No wait.....not her. She's too precious;)
I'll throw that boyfriend of her's off a cliff.

By the way
Who is he?
I couldn't tell who it was since he had his back faced towards me.

I ran towards both of them.

I grabbed the guy from his arm to make him turn around and

Two shocks straight away in the morning. First I see my bestie laughing with a guy for the first time ever and now that guy is non other then the biggest fuckboy of the school??

I quickly turned to face Esra.

"Hey! Esra. Are you okay?" I turned her around 360° to check. "Did he do something to you? Are you hurt???"

"Am I a monster to have hurt her?" Taehyung said raising an eyebrow.

"No one talked to you mister!
Hey Esra?? Why aren't you speaking???" She's getting me worried.

Esra stared me for a while and then burst out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Hahaha. Oh Minji. Relax" She took a breath. "We were just talking."

I turned to face Taehyung who was smiling like an idiot.

".........infact" Esra continued. "Taehyung here was asking about you."

"Me???" I'm confused.

"Yeah. He said he wanted to talk about something. Right Taehyung-ah?" She asked him.

The boy slightly nodded.

"Now that you are here. I should get going. See you in class!"

"Hey!! Hey! Wait!!!" I sighed.
Ahhh. I feel betrayed. My "life saver" left me with a "life destroyer".
Anyways this isn't anything to worry about. I'll just get this over with.

I once again turned towards Taehyung.
"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I tried to say in the nicest tone possible keeping control on my hatred and anger for him.

"I wanted to ask if you are free tonight. I'd love to take you out"

"Did he hit his head somewhere or what?" I mumbled

"What?" He stared me

"Nothing. Anyways I'm busy. I can't go." I turned around and started walking.

"Hey wait!" I heard him shout.

"What is it now???" I said irritated.

"What are you busy with?"

"It's nothing to talk to you about."

"Give me your address. I'll pick you up when you are done with that work of yours."

Is this guy crazy???? Does he think I'll give a fucker my address?!?
Taehyung, I can't hold it in anymore!!

"I don't wanna go!" I raised my voice.

"Minji!" He grabbed my wrist. "Come on! Don't be like this."

Ahhhhhhhhhh. I'm boiling!
He's gonna get it now
"KIM TAEHYUNG! I SAID I DON'T FUCKING WANNA GO OUT WITH THE SHITTY ASS OF YOURS NOW GET LOST." I released my hand from his grip and started walking towards the classroom.

I could still hear footsteps behind me.
What's his problem?????
"Why in the world are you following me?"

"I'm not following you. I'm simply walking to the classroom. Did you forget this handsome guy is in your class?" *Wink*

"Oh yeah. Whatever."

He started walking besides me but I didn't take any notice.
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We entered the class together.

This class of mine :-\ doesn't take a second to start gossips. I could hear the girls say:

"Did you see them coming together??"

"Are they dating?"

"Nooooooo" Another girl whinned. "Taehyung oppa is mine"

Tsk. Keep your junk oppa to yourself. Who wants him anyways.

I sat down and turned to see......
A bright Taehyung smiling at me.

I layed my head on the desk
Taehyung. What are you up to?
~I wonder~

                   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Didn't re-read so millions of mistakes are gonna be there.
Taehyung already started going after her!!
What will happen????
I hope you are enjoying it

I changed my uploading schedule.
Now there's gonna be two updates a week: one on Friday and the other on Sunday 💖💖💖


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