Chapter 1

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Peter's POV :
Ever since I've moved in with mr stark things have been so much fun I've met all the avengers and they're all so nice but after meeting Loki we're both inseparable. They all know about me being Spider-Man and yet every night I go out and fight the crime keeping New York awake. Today I've chilled out at the stark tower as there was an incident when I was fighting a villain they sort of threw me into the school building. I was currently watching the heart of the ocean with Loki until a large bang causes me and Loki to jolt up from our seats "Friday what's going on?" I say a slight whimper in my voice. "It appears Mr Stark has been messing around with his iron man suit again Mr Parker" the AI says to the me. Loki looks towards me giving me a sigh of relief before sitting back down to continue the movie. "I'm sure he's fine Peter he's always causing an explosion in his lab" Loki says looking back at the large TV screen. I look back towards the door before saying " I think I'll go check on him" sprinting of towards the elevator  before Loki can say anything else.
"Where to Mr Parker?" Friday asks
"To the lab please Friday" I say slightly worried about Mr stark
As the elevator opens I run towards the door hoping to see the lab in one piece but as I open the door I walk in to see metal and tools spread all round the floor Wait where is mr stark? "Mr stark!?" I yell Hoping to get a reply.
"Its alright Peter I'm over here" tony replies cleared fed up
"Thank god I thought you were hurt what's going on?" I say expecting a good explanation
"Well I was actually trying to change your web fluid see if I can make it stronger for you, but things kinda got out of hand when I was mixing it with a few chemicals."
I look towards mr stark glancing at the webs strung around his body making it impossible to move his legs
"Why didn't you tell me I could've helped you I'm the only one who knows the formula" I say clearly giggling at the sight in front of me.
"I was going to surprise you this would've been amazing if it worked." Mr stark says disappointed that I found out.
I walked toward mr stark starting to remove the webs that were keeping him from moving.
"Why don't we go to the park and get ice cream tomorrow I can make up for ruining the surprise."
"I'd love to mister stark!" I yell jumping for joy at the idea of being able to spend time with mr Stark.
As we walk towards the elevator Friday begins to talk up "Sir it appears the avengers request you and peters presence in the meeting room." I look towards mr stark giving him a confused look, he looks towards me giving me a reassured smile. As we make it into the meeting room all the avengers look up towards us actioning us to sit down. After I sit down next to Loki I look up towards him as he give's me a bored look.
"We recently got a call from Fury..." Steve begins.
"Recently the vulture has escaped prison and wants his revenge on Peter." Steve finishes I freeze at the name and immediately remember the day I was crushed by the building due to the falcon. Everyone looks towards me giving me sad and guilty looks until Tony speaks up.
"Well!? Do we have a location on him? We need to get to him before he gets to my.. the kid." Tony says muttering clearly scared about losing me to the falcon.
"At the moment no but we have a location where he has recently been so we should check out there until we get another location on him." Steve says strongly towards the avengers.
'Well where was he last?" Loki shouts clearly worried about Me.
"Queens..." is all Steve says until I choke on my own breath
The last memories I had of queens was when I lost aunt may due to a robbery and I wasn't there to save her, the day still haunts me and I promised myself I would never return there.
"Peter it's ok calm down it's alright" Loki says noticing my unsteady breathing.
As the avengers look Back towards Steve he sighs saying "Peter you can stay here while we go looking round queens if that makes you feel better." Relief washes over me until I realise I wasn't going to chicken out because I was scared that's not like Spider-Man. I reply with "no I want to come I'd feel better if I was with all of you and Spider-Man isn't scared of anything" I say with confidence in my voice but inside I was scared.
"If you think you'll be okay kid then AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

Hey everyone thanks for reading my fan fiction! I will aim to publish every day or week if I'm busy at school. please vote and comment I will consider some of the ideas you guys have to put into the story! see you guys soon!❤️

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