Chapter 10

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I woke up to the smell of bacon hitting my nose it smelt delicious but I knew I wouldn't be eating any. I guess eating only a little has driven my hunger away. I picked myself up from my warm fluffy bed and let my legs dangle over the side of the bed.
After 1 week surely I could stand up now?
I began to press the weight on my legs but immediately collapsed onto the ground in excruciating pain
"Arghhh!" I screamed as I tried ever so hard to stand up my voice burnt at the noise that was able to leave my throat.
Before I could do anything else tony walked into the room panick shot through his face as he saw my small body lying on the carpet.
"Bud are you alright!? What are you doing on the floor?"
I looked up at the man then looked back towards the ground.
"Come on you know your not supposed to be standing up for another few days."
Before I could do anything tony came up to me and picked me up and placed me into the wheelchair.
He began pushing me out of my room and into the elevator.
"Pete you haven't talked for a while now come on what's going on?" Tony asks hoping for a reply.
I simply kept looking forward not wanting to look at the grieving man. I heard tony sigh from behind me, yet I didn't acknowledge it.
As what felt like ages the elevator ping telling us we were at our destination.
Mr stark began pushing the chair I was in to the large kitchen with an island in the middle.
I looked towards where the smell was leading me and I saw the tall blonde man cooking bacon.
"Morning Peter" steve says as his cheerful self. Tony began lifting my body up but this time I flinched not expecting the sudden movement. "Pete it's okay I'm just going to sit you on the kitchen stool." As Tony picked me up and placed me on the stool Steve placed down a large portion of bacon and scrambled eggs. After 10 minutes of tony and Steve talking they both began to notice me picking at the food. Personally it made me feel sick just thinking about eating the food. "Peter please eat something I know after everything that's happened it's made you lose your appetite but the only way to get better is to eat." I looked away from them feeling like a burden towards the two tall men.

4 days later
After what seemed like forever today is the day of my physical therapy, I'm so excited i can't believe I'll be able to walk and then go out as Spider-Man again it's been over a month. After Steve and Tony realised I wasn't eating they've tried forcing me to eat but every time they think I've eaten I'll throw it back up. I can't help it anymore and it's become a normal thing to me. My voice has almost come back which I'm great full for thanks to Steve and Tony.
"Hey bud you ready to go see Bruce?" Tony says poking his head through the door. "Yes!" I shout in delight as i start wheeling out of the room heading to the elevator with Tony. "Where to sir" the AI Friday asked "to the lab please Friday" tony replies.
As we enter the large clean room. We walk up , (well ride up) to Bruce who is sitting at his large desk. "Hey Peter how have you been?" Bruce asks turning to face us. "Can't wait to get out of this" I say looking towards the man wearing a long lab coat.
"Alright then all I want you to do is slowly put the weight onto one of your legs me and tony will stand next to you just in case you fall."
As I look towards Tony he gives me a reassuring look.
As I begin to put weight on my leg the pressure feels intense but I try my best to ignore it as I begin to stand up using a little support from Tony. I smile towards Bruce realising that I was standing but slightly tilting. "Good one kid you'll be walking in no time!" Bruce says. As I smile at him I begin to feel light headed and fall back into the chair. "Need some water kid?" Mr stark says noticing my sudden change in mood. "Yes please" I say as I watch Bruce walk over to the small sink in the corner of the room. Once I had taken a sip from the water I felt much better and placed the water down by the side of me.
"How about we try small walking movements" Bruce begins.
As I begin to once again stand up, I push all my body weight onto my legs, it felt weird at first but I soon adjusted and began taking small steps towards the other side of the room. My legs felt weak at first but I soon adjusted. There's still hope for Spider-Man at this rate. Tony gave me a high five as he mimed 'good job kid' as I sat back down we left the clean room and headed towards the kitchen. After we ate our sandwiches that mr Rogers had prepared for us tony suggested that we go for a walk at the park. I was hesitant but finally agreed was I knew I needed the fresh air.
After we arrived tony was nice enough to get me an ice cream. Thankfully mr stark wore a large hat and a pair of sunglasses so no one would know it was him. I had such a great time with him he's like the father I never knew. When we came back to the tower we were met with Fury what could he want at 9:00 pm? I guess we'll find out.

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