Chapter 5

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Steve's POV:
It's been one week since Tony and Peter have been missing and we were trying so hard to track down the culprits.
We learnt after a while that the only one capable of taking them was the vulture. All we knew about him was his nickname we didn't know his identity or his family.
"Steve?" I look towards the door in the living room and noticed Natasha looking at me concerned I sighed and looked back towards the window.
"Steve come on you should get some rest you've been up for almost three days it's not god for your health"
"You don't understand I need to find them I can't imagine what there going through right now."
"When we find them we're gonna need you to be strong we can't have that if your half asleep"
I gave into Natasha's point and walked towards my room and jumped onto the bed.
"We'll find you guys" I whispered before entering a dreamless sleep.

Loki's POV:

I can't take it anymore, it's been so quiet without Peter today we'd usually go and hang out at the park but now without him it's as if the whole worlds gone silent. I've been trying so hard to find him I've looked all around queens for any clues but nothing it's as if they were wiped of the face of the earth.
That was until I heard the AI say "Mr Odinson, Mr Baner wants all the avengers to go down to the lab immediately."
What if Bruce found some way to get Peter and Tony!? I thought to myself.
I began to sprint my way down to the lab and saw all the avengers gathered around Bruce's computer?
"What's this all about?" I said worriedly
Bruce began to play a video and what was on it was horrific.
"So Peter how would you like something to remind you of these good old memories." The video made my heart drop as I looked to see a beaten up Peter chained up against the wall.
"Please leave him only he's only a kid!" The camera then begins to face a slightly beaten Tony as tears began streaming down his face.
It then once again faced Peter and this time two men removed the chains holding Peter's arms up and held him with his back against the ground.
Peter started to cry as they brought up an iron carved into a shape and burned it onto Peter's stomach it made a shape, but that logo looked familiar and I knows who's it is The vultures logo of the company he runs.
Peter was screaming in agony as the iron left his melted skin.
"Now he'll always belong to us" the man said before the video cut of.
My eyes began to water up as I face the others.
"What the hell was that"
"We need to find them they're in so much pain" Natasha replied looking towards bruce.
"It may take a while but I may be able to track the video it will take a few days but it's not like we have any other leads." Bruce says before motioning is to leave the lab.
Once we all entered the living room I decided to get something to eat. After we all had some dinner me and Thor went on a quick search around New York for any other leads.
We needed to find them soon I'm not sure how much more they can go through until one of them breaks especially the kid.
Hey guys sorry again for the short chapter just been a bit busy lately
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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