Chapter 9

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It has been a few days since tony and Peter are back at the avengers tower and to be honest they aren't doing too well Peter has been hiding in his room and will only come out if he want to get some water. But ever day I have been leaving him food but I'm not quite sure he is eating it. As for Tony I've been sleeping in the same room as him as ever night he'll mutter things in his sleep and start shaking. I can't bear to see the two of these in this situation. I just wish I could fix this but it's so hard Adrian has poisoned their minds and I'm scared that they'll never be the same especially as Adrian is still out there.
The avengers have been trying to hunt them down but I wound help all I want to do is try and keep Peter's and Tony's health healthy as I know for sure neither of them would eat if it wasn't for me giving them food.
Today I was trying to persuade Tony to come watch a  movie with me in the lounge but I was having a hard time persuading him.
"Come on tony you've been cooped up for so long now it's not good for you all of this thinking you need to try your best to move on" I say hoping to convince the suffering man.
"Steve I said no I just want to be alone."  Tony says just above a whisper.
"Please tony you've been alone long enough you need to socialise some more please." I say to the annoyed man
Well after weeks of torture hearing Peter's cries and begging for him to stop I think I've socialised enough for the rest of my life."
I'm sorry Tony but i never really knew how bad it was but Look Peter isn't doing so good he hasn't come out of his room for more than five minutes since we rescued the two of you maybe you can just go and talk to him for me and convince him to come and watch a movie with us" I ask hoping his answer wouldn't be no.
"Urgh.. fine but I'm doing this for Peter he's already been through too much." Tony says giving into my words. As I walk into the lounge I prepare a film as I hear the elevator ping telling me tony has gone to talk to the kid.
I can't bare to walk out my door it's too hard ever since we've got back to the tower my memories won't go away they're slowly eating me up and I can't do anything other than sit in my wheelchair or lay on my bed staring into space. I haven't seen tony for a while he's probably still recovering but I don't think that's possible for me anymore. After what felt like hours I heard a light knock on the door I didn't want to look up from where I was lying so I just assumed it would be Steve leaving some food, but it's not like I ever eat any of it.
"Hey kiddo?"
That was a voice I wasn't expecting to hear it was mr stark after weeks of no talking he's finally come to talk to me.
I didn't answer scared what he was gonna ask next.
"Me and Steve are gonna watch a movie we thought it would be a good idea if you came out for a bit a watched it."
I didn't answer after all the screams I don't think my throat could take another word.
As I felt a presence walk next to my bed I looked towards the puffy eyed billionaire I felt bad for him to deal with me and now I've probably brought back his PTSD.
"Come on kiddo I'll help you out it'll be nice, I know I haven't really talked to you in a few days I just didn't want you to see me in a mess I'm here for you no matter what please just a few hours is all I'm asking."
I guess one night couldn't hurt I guess I am getting sick of staring at the wall. I look towards the man and nod my head at him.
His eyes light up at my response and he begins to sit me up. I flinch slightly but immediately relax knowing that he wouldn't purposely hurt me.
"It's alright I'm just going to lift you onto the wheel chair." He says in a quiet yet soothing voice. I looked over to the chair and frowned at it I hated that thing it made me feel so weak.
"Hey bud are you alright?" He noticed me staring at the chair and sighed.
"It's alright mate how about I carry you into the lounge." I nodded my head realising that I didn't have to sit in the chair.
As he carried me into the lounge I rested my head into mr Stark's chest, I felt so safe with him I just wish he would spend some more time with me maybe I would be able to open up to him try and put everything that's happened behind us.
After two minutes we entered the lounge and I looked towards the blonde man sitting on the long sofa.
As mr stark put me down he sat next to me and Steve began scrolling through the films.
"So Pete what do you want to watch?"
I looked at the films and pointed to my favourite movie the edge of winter I looked over at Steve and it looked like he was going to question why I wasn't talking but he shrugged it off.
As the movie began I got closer to mr stark and began to drift of to sleep collapsing across his legs.
Tony's POV
After the movie ended I looked towards the small boy he needs to start eating more before he becomes ill I looked towards Steve and saw him asleep. As I picked Peter up I took him to his room and put him on his bed, before I left I checked his legs hoping to see an improvement.
They definitely looked better but were still extremely red with a slight amount of dried blood.
After that I wrapped him in the blankets and left the room not before saying
"Sleep well kid"
And I shut the door enclosing Peter in darkness
"Hey Friday could you tell me if anything happens to Peter."
"Of course sir" says Friday my AI assistant.
As I made my way back into the lounge I wanted to make sure Steve got a goodnight sleep as he's been helping us two out so much.
So I picked the muscular man up and carried him to his room, well more like dragged him.
After that I walked to my room and engulfed myself in my pillows and quilt and let darkness overtake me.
Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated In So long but I didn't feel that many people were reading it but I got someone who wanted me to keep updating so I'll do my best to make it up to everyone this chapter was much longer!
Word count- 1219
Thanks to @lamming19
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