Chapter 8

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Steve's POV:
After we flew back to stark tower I carried Tony while Loki carried Peter, they were both gonna need surgery I don't know how they survived as long as they did they were covered in blood but Peter was on a different level his legs were drenched in blood and his healing factor didn't seem to work as all the blood was still oozing out of his large deep wounds.
As we laid them on the two metal tables prepared in the infirmary, Bruce stepped through with doctor strange.
"What happened to these two!?" Bruce said towards us.
"They're hurt pretty badly can you help them?" Loki said towards Bruce.
"Bruce work on tony I'm gonna start surgery on the kid." Dr strange said examining the wounds on Peter.
"I need you all to get out while we do this it's gonna take a few hours." Bruce said cutting through Tony's bloody shirt to reveal a sort of healed stab wound.
We looked back towards the two limp men well, and boy. As we walked out the room.
It had been around three hours when Dr Strange and Bruce came out of the infirmary.
They looked at us with concern.
"Tony's gonna be fine just a few fractures and broken ribs he should be healed in a few weeks." Bruce starts.
"But as for Peter he won't be able to walk for a few months, the amount of damage that was put on them means he lost a lot of muscle and also because they didn't seem to walk very much while they were there.
"When will they wake up?" Clint said with concern written on his face.
"We're not sure the drugs we gave them will keep them asleep for a few hours but they could sleep for a lot longer." Dr strange says looking at all the avengers.
As the two men come and take a seat int he living room we all sit there until we decide to watch movie to calm our nerves.

Peter's POV:
I woke up to bright lights. I went to sit up but pain shot up all through my body. I tried again but was only able to move my head, slowly I looked over to my left and noticed an unconscious tony. It made me smile knowing that he was okay. I tried once again to sit up and managed to do it, as I went to put my feet to the ground all I could feel was pain I couldn't stand and my feet and legs were wrapped firmly in white yet slightly red bandages from where the blood had been soaking through. But I still relaxed knowing that we were no longer in that awful painful place
Before I could do anything else dr strange walked through surprised that I was awake.
"Hey! Your awake I didn't expect you to be awake for a few more hours." I flinched at his sudden uprise in his voice.
"I.. is tony okay" I asked my voice very raspy from the lack of water.
"Ye he'll be fine but he just needs the rest."
I look down at my legs dr strange clearly noticing what I was looking at.
"I'm afraid your gonna be stuck in a wheelchair for a few weeks even with you spider healing it won't heal quick enough." I freeze knowing that I wouldn't be able to be Spider-Man for a few months.
As dr strange approached me I flinched and shuffled to the other side of the bed.
"Hey, hey it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you I thought I would help you into the wheel chair and then we can take you to your bedroom to have more rest."
I nod knowing I couldn't really say anything else.
As he picks me up I flinch I pain that shot through my body.he wheeled me into the elevator and took me to the rooms.
Dr strange's POV:
I didn't want to scare the kid so I decided it would be a good idea not to tell the other avengers that he was awake so that he would get a chance to have agood night sleep.
Poor kid god only knows what he went through when he was there. And yet they still escaped meaning there still out there. Something in the kid makes you feel so happy and you grow a soft spot for him. I didn't want to let the kid take anymore pain. So I'm going to protect him as much as I can.
As we entered his large room, Steve must've cleaned it up to welcome peter home as everything was in perfect places.
As we approached the bed I leant down to Peter's level.
"Peter is it okay if I pick you up and put you on your bed?" I say trying to be as calm as possible.
He only shook his head so I slowly and gently picked him up placing him on the fluffy mattress.
I then switched the life out but before I left I heard a small whisper
"Thank you" and after that I shut the door and went to check on tony.

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