*Chapter 6*

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Y/n pov:

It was the day of the sports festival unfortunately you couldn't train much for it the first 3 days you were still healing from the past attack the last four days was just basic training but now you could create things faster you also increase your stamina

You walked into the school grabbing your p.e. uniform then walked into the changing room quickly pulling it on.

"Todo-kun~" you called waving as he walked towards the stadium

"Hello y/n are you excited for today"

"Yep but I'm nervous to. What 'bout you?" He grunted in reply turning his head

You shook as you waited for Mic to announce you. Todoroki must have noticed because he slipped his hand into yours

"FIRST, THE CLASS EVERYONE CAME TO SEE... THE HERO COUSE CLASS 1-AAAA!" Mic yelled "NEXT ALSO IN THE HERO COURSE CLASS 1-B! THE GENERAL STUDIES CLASSES 1-C, D AND E! NEXT THE SUPPORT CLASSES 1-F AND G!" Mic continued listing the classes and everyonemet in the middle of the stadium where Midnight stood

"Is that really appropriate for a high school?" Tokoyami questioned most of the boys had blushes on their faces and were looking anywhere else except for Mineta who had a bloody nose and was holding a shaky thumbs up

"Thats an R rated hero for you"

"Alright! The first year representative is Katski Bakugou!"

"Why him?" People in our class questioned

"Well he did come in first place in the acceptance exam" Kirishima pointed out

"Ya in the hero course" a girl said clearly agitated by the comment

He walked to the podium "I pledge... to be number one" the crowd erupted our class being the loudest

"You'll all make great stepping stones for me though" he added giving us a thumbs down

"Ok... now that we've finished with that lets see what the first event is... It's an this" Midnight said swinging her whip at it

"An obstacle race" you mumbled


You were slowly being crushed by the the swarm of students trying to get through the tunnel you pressurized the air around you flying thtought the tunnel then landing shortly after Todoroki froze the ground

"More people douged that then I expected" he mumbled running to the next obstacle. Some peoplestarted to catch up "the zero point robots"

"So this is what the rest had to fight" He said starting to freeze them "but I have to win this...especially since my dear old dad is watching" when he froze them you took your chance running through them right after him. He looked annoyed someone git through but his eyes softened when he saw it was just you

"Wait he froze them we can run through"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you I froze them at an angle..." he called back and you winced when you heard a thud behind you hopping no one got hurt when you heard Kirishima yelling

"I'm alive! What was that guy thinking that could have killed someone!"

Then you heard an explosion followed by yelling "Half and Half Bastard there's no way in hell I'm letting you get away that easy"

"In first place is Todoroki then Bakugou followed by Aizawa!" Mic yelled

You ran over to the the next obstacle which was... a tightrope? You made the rope widen then shrink back when you passed it so others couldn't pass it. Bakugou made himself fly over you and Todoroki slid across the rope. The three of you stopped short when you saw the signs saying 'danger!' and "landmines" then after sharing a glace we all raced into the next part of the course well you and Todoroki did Bakugou flew over. When people started to shiw up and you and Bakugou were getting close to the end Todoroki froze a pathway through the mines. The three of you were competing for first place. Whenever you got close enough to Bakugou to erase his quirk he would make an explosion in your face and you didn't have enough energy to pressurize the air to slow them down.

You heard a giant bang causing everyone to stop. Deku used an explosion to propel himself in the air. Then when he was going to fall he swung himself using Todoroki and Bakugou as a spring board pushed himself even further through the air. When you all recovered and realized you were still in the race you ran after the three boys a head of you getting forth place. You ran over to Todoroki collapsing on him.

"You okay y/n?" He asked supporting you. You gave him a shaky thumbs-up

"Guess I'm just still getting better from the attack" you said in between heavy breaths

He nodded putting his arm around you keeping you up right

'Great' you thought 'I made it into the next round'

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